Wednesday, June 30, 2010
stuck in family woes again. the root isnt treated, so how can we ever expected problems to cease? who dares to say, money isnt the root of all evil?
but it doesnt seem to me greed is the problem here. (i do not directly associate money with greed) perhaps its miscommunication again. then jealousy. then rage. then we simply just turn a blind eye to each other.
sigh. i think i live in an era of the cold-war virus.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 11:34 PM
Thursday, June 24, 2010
im amazed by my lightning no-brainer responses over phone calls..
me: (dials a number) hello, im interested in a job you've made available.. may i ask where's the working location?
guy-over-phone: ubi.
me: OH MY GAWD SO FAR!!!... *silence* whoops. err. erm. sorry, guess i cant match the job.. *silence* BYE.
=.= loser. haha. no EQ.
tell me how am i supposed to get employed. when i can only work PART-TIME. and TEMPORARY. and ONLY ON WEEKDAYS. and need a FLEXIBLE schedule.. sucks lah. my $$ is undergoing combustion each passing day.. and incineration when i go to town to kill my craving for new clothes, new shoes, new dresses and to see pretty people on the streets=.= (yes, i've got a new hobby in town, beo chiobus and chio-man. sad life.)
speaking of chio people, i realised, unless you refer to those k-pop superstars, most of us cannot differentiate koreans from japanese and chinese.. oh, and for fortunate or unfortunate singaporeans like me, i often get recognised as a different nationality. pffff. maybe i should get a citizenship in korea one day, i feel honoured to be asked if im a korean, not so when acknowledging a singaporean and even sulk when asked if a PRC. i am ashamed to be not-so-proud of being a singaporean. now see what the k-pop wave has done to young souls like me, brainwashing us into a vastly different culture that exists in the other hemisphere..
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 1:44 PM
Monday, June 21, 2010
i got my virgin refereeing experience yesterday. at first i stunned. then i panicked. then i stunned upon double-checking that they were serious about it. then i had the mindset of screw-it-lah the moment i decided to place HD's whistle into my mouth. expectedly, i flunked the entire process. haha. here are a couple of stuff i gotta improve on:
1. blow the whistle harder. the air coming out from my lungs should have the capacity to blow an ant off its feet..
2. speed up when i need to but do not run too fast.
3. stand at the 6m line and goal lines at appropriate times.
4. walk in front of everyone in your way along the aile of the pool. BECAUSE YOU ARE THE REFEREE.
5. stand PROPERLY and show the hand signal long enough for everyone to see CLEARLY.
7. be 101% ALERT. (to curb this problem, i intend to take supplements for the eyes and mental alertness..)
8. take note WHO FOULED. WHO SHOT. WHO SUBSTITUTED. and if applicable WHO IS INJURED.
9. show the same hand signal as your fellow referee regardless of who blew the whistle.
10. stay firm at your decisions after you blew. do not be swayed by players' rebuttal.sigh. it takes so much to be a good referee.
i got to drive the car for a short journey home from lunch today. still shaky because my arms had to stretch out straight to reach the steering (dad doesnt like people to adjust his car =.= and he has really looonggggg arms.) so it was kinda difficult to keep it straight and steady.. but at least i didnt flunk until i had to park the car :/ or when he intercepted my actions during driving..
dad: (sits behind the driver seat)OHH. its so much clearer sitting at the back.
me: ok. maybe you could install a steering wheel there for me next time (:
all was fine until i reached a junction where the light was red and so i braked early and gently until i came to a stop.
dad: why did you brake so early? this is too far! go nearer, nearer!
i obeyed and released the brake for the automatic car to probe forward a little.
dad: somemore! somemore! why you so scared? nearer!!
me: HUH... but very near already..
dad: LIKE THAT WHERE GOT...*stuns* aiyoh. in front got car ah, no wonder you didnt approach the white line.. from my angle cannot see mah..
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 7:33 PM
i know. i know. i know u waited long.
Monday, June 7, 2010

All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 5:25 PM
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

i love. everything about this sport.
how should i approach, to inflict the least disappointment and pain?
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 10:06 PM