so damn looking forward again.
Sunday, February 21, 2010

i am so freaking happy.
i clubbed on friday night.
cabbed there with some cost-sharing with prissy.
danced till zouk closed.
grabbed 2.5 hours of sleep.
before waking up sober for training.
no wonder i slept 13hours the following night.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 11:50 PM
Thursday, February 4, 2010
today someone asked me why im still single.
i came up with a list of reasons:
relationship is a 2 sided thing what. not that i like/love then i get the relationship what. no one jio, how to get one? haha. then guys always say they dont like girls to jio them, they feel disgusted O_O and i add to that, the more likely he's not gonna cherish the girl.
at the moment, no crushes. nothing. gone. hopeless. -.-
i like to look at pretty girls that freak guys out.
today i said i cut my hair because i broke up with my girlfriend. unfortunately or not, the guys heard it as "i hooked up with my girlfriend" and i never or rather havent got to made it clear that im actually straight =.= GGXX
im afraid of what goes beyond being in a relationship. the amount of effort you have to put in to maintain the relationship so it doesnt just goes bland and fade away and neither would it turn sour.
having a boyfriend now would perhaps hectify my uni life further because i havent been coping well so far in semester 2. i wake up finding my eyelids half opened but yet my heart beating like i just did a run. family life has lost its balance in me. im desperately trying to get it back by going back every weekend, making it a point to sit at the dining table for a meal rather than doing my usual routine of stationing myself in front of the TV.
then again it'd be nice to know that you have someone to look forward to. to share your troubles. to go to places your parents/friends are unlikely to go. and even if they go, the feel is totally different.
aiyah. freak. why am i posting this up near valentine's. =.=
ok im weird. or not.
today, my friend told me another "friend" commented on me being not up to that rj intellectual standard. at first i was mad. then i thought and thought. perhaps it's simply because he speaks whatever that comes out to his mind, doesnt bother to make things sound nicer. and at least he says it out. i hate people who keep their thoughts and make me ponder. and and and.
so what? a rafflesian doesnt always have to be intellectual. it good to be silly(kinda explains the title) and adapt to where you are. this way you can communicate with anyone in the world (:
alright. why am i so optimistic suddenly :/
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 11:26 PM
Monday, February 1, 2010
the surprise farewell cum belated birthday party was screwed up everywhere since thursday, or was it friday? oh wells. it's in a way a good thing. each of us (totally of 3 = me + ks + syah ) got to spend more time with whatever time we had since we delayed and delayed until there was less than an hour we could spend at her place.
i met seet's mom and dad twice because the stuff were missing. HMM. yea anyway was running round the market place downstairs at my place to get and replace whatever that was missing the moment i woke up. actually. seet's mom woke me up HAHA. WHOOPS.
the actual situation was far from what was originally being planned. and im not even referring to the ANCESTRAL ORIGINAL PLAN. LOL. met the 2 fellows at somewhere at 3.30pm and we walked round and round hunting for a cake (specifically a slice of cake) and something renu could carry around closely no matter where she goes. AND WE FOUND IT! like finally. we finally head to her house at close to 5pm after seet mom passed me the last book to complete the set of 3Rs : recipes, remedies and randoms. =====>> it was like another PW. but way more rushy yet fufilling.
so, great thanks to seet ks syah jh char jwong lindan for.. you know what.
spoke a bit more to renu before i headed off to chop my hair off. HMM.
why chop?
because my gf is leaving me. ok crap.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 4:41 PM