Friday, January 22, 2010
pardon my thighs. i know. i need to slim down. else i wont b able to fit into the canoe sooner or later..and it's called tragedy.

3-on-3 teamies. from some retarded person, our group got names eyebrows. but i think it isnt as bad as eyebags or queer like eyeballs. LOL

went to bodyworlds at the sciencecentre where we relate every specimen to the nearest object we could relate to. such as the wobbly dividing fertilised egg as tauhuay... and plasticised placenta as a out-of-shape pizza. indeed educational. felt bad staring so hard to observe details of each specimen. kinda wondered why most specimens are males too. OH. I HEARD THIS 5 OR 6 YEAR OLD BOY EXCLAIMING, " EH! THIS ONE GOT BOOBS LEH! IS A GIRL!"

camwhoring. the best part of the lab. ok. now we got new hobby, staring at the teacher assistants who look good. WOOHOO. HAHAHHAHA. hey. culturing and then counting bacteria is really boring ok. and STINKY! DONT LIKE!!

i just like candids sometimes more than staring at the camera. NB: provided i look good (:

i know. a blog gets boring when the contents of the text is irrelevant to you. and there is no peektures. so explains the 5 random photos. in chronological order? i think so? HECK LAH.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 12:38 AM
someone says i should update. ok. let me cut and paste some stuff so i can get to bed earlier(ROOMIE ALREADY IN BED! WHOOPS!)
was referred to a stomp page showing our NTU driver and a old woman knocked down at the side with bruises. time was 945am.. date i do not know. NAH. the link:
haiyo. both parties at fault. but i think i pity the driver
he says:
the drivers are mad
eh... 9 sth is still bz hour..
so many cars driving ard..
then this
old lady cycles on the road
he says:
then cycle
pavement lah.
he says:
pavement is for
even motorcycles are v din deh
he says:
apparently u dun take enough bus
haha. i always take their bus can
and i pity them
day sit in the bus.... alone. so lonely.
plus u cant exactly blame them for
driving fast. so many pple waitin to take the pioneer bus cannn
yah i know
pavement is for walking.. in this case, isnt it better and safer to cycle on the
SOMEMORE there's road construction.. even more dangerous
this guy says i think alot. :/
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 12:17 AM
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
HD HD HD HD HD HD HD. kenna suaned by HD again. NNNNNNNNNNNNBBBB.
incident 1: trying to kiao him, i.e. push his boat away. but was freaking tired out from previous rows and ball throws. HD says "shuo yi jiao ni shao chi fan! (translates to: that's why i told you to eat less rice)" NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNBB.
incident 2: did extra set of a particular exercise, eh no. is extra SETS. so i commented with a huge grin, so that means we can do less washboards lah (washboard= leglifts whereby your partner constantly pushes it down whenever u raise it up.) then HD stares at me and says "where is your stomach you tell me?" (he tells me i have a huge tummy )))))): )
incident 3: was doing one of the most basic boat skill, hand-roll, whereby you use your hand to get back to surface from capsized position. i wasnt confident plus i was capped near the wall, OF COURSE I COULDNT DO IT PROPERLY. so happens HD was like barely 2 metres away watching. he WIDENED HIS EYES. SIGHED and SLOUCHED. DROPPED HIS HEAD. then SHOOK HIS HEAD. omg. NIGHTMARE. that scene lingers on in me...
incident 4: (ok lah. partially i gave him the chance to suan me. BUT HE CANNOT DISCREET ABIT MEH.) polo ball flew behind fence so i kindly went to get it but inserting my hand through the gaps of the fence to lift the ball on the other side.. the fence was high so i climb it abit to lift the ball up higher... HD shouts from somewhere amongst the crowd "yingshi ba yao pa! the fence cannot support ni. (translates to: dont climb the fence, it cannot support your weight.)" KNNBCCB.
incident 5: unable to do a relatively new boat skill in which weight would be an advantage. HD FAILED ME in it. then afterwards, he commented "yingshi you heavy weight leh. why --- can do but you cannot?" KNS. then he proceeded on to asking for my weight, asking it behind my back. WAH LIEW EH.
HD is an absolute brother character. he is nice. but so brotherish. bo pian. haha.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 12:48 AM
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
1st january 2010:

"I want you to know that it doesn't matter
Where we take this road someone's gotta go
And I want you to know you couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on so I'm already gone
Looking at you makes it harder
But I know that you'll find another"
how come it seems like you're still alive, just sound asleep.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 4:01 PM
Friday, January 1, 2010
i should be doing countdowns or enjoying rain's fashion concert show. but i found myself grasping at tissue paper ): not a very pleasant way to enter into a new year which i sincerely pray would be better.
visited darling baiwan again today for the third consecutive day. my mom seemed to be stopping me from going because i tear each moment i see the dreadful plight of this bony cat with one eye filled with pus, a sore gum and a faeces-stained butt.
"she's only left with half out of nine lives" i overheard my mom and i crashed my face into the bed. im really keeping hopes as low as it may be that she'll get through. i was reflecting throughout the day while most people were busy with work, friends or even making up their wishlist. i started to find myself a selfish bitch. there she is suffering and with angels surrounding her to bring her to a better place with no pain but im constantly praying that she doesnt leave me. i seem to have neglected the torture she's going through, the poor standard of living, the pain as nutrients in the form of food gets forced down her throat and most importantly the loneliness she's facing. she made me realise that perhaps, it's really time to move on. maybe she figured that i no longer need her (WHICH I SWEAR! I SWEAR DEEPLY! I SWEAR WITH MY not true..) so she is making her leave and at the same time, she allows me to move forward away from the past that has been bugging me.
but i hope it aint true.
i hope she's struggling to live, i hope she gets through this tough stage of her life, hold on to her last breath, HOLD ON and you shall recieve more. i havent done what i promised. i havent brought you home. i havent played with you in the longest time, in fact i havent played with you at all since i was made to stay in this new address and the old home got emptied. im terribly sorry. i havent brought you happiness but sorrow these 2 years. but HANG ON. dont leave me yet.
i am so disturbed.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 12:49 AM