management. welfare. dentist.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

i sat down.
and thought.
what is management?
- to coordinate timings
- to help people work together
- to understand the needs of others and thereby do your best to provide them with it
- to seek the best for not yourself but the people who work under you
- to forsee circumstances
- and hence create pragmatic solutions swiftly
- most importantly,
learnthe ability to not only speak, but also act. - anything else?
then i thought.
what is welfare?
- compensation in terms money for effort? labour? the lost of valuable time?
- level of happiness and/or satifaction of staff
- right of knowledge
- respect and pride
- and then?
then how can i string these up in sentences to relate what i feel the problem in the company is? i cant believe im actually bothered by these when im just a mere part-timer leaving in about a month's time...
anyways. my gum's still swollen. and my mom asked the dentist while getting her teeth scaled and polished. and apparently, im recommended to have it removed O_O. okay... i dont mind actually haha. just that. I HATE VISITS TO THE DENTIST. *faints* im hesitating between withstanding the pain for another month and a half before my polyclinic appointment and the dental clinic downstairs.. the time is loooong. but the price difference is huggggeeee too. :/
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 10:32 PM
swollen gum. swelling mind.
Saturday, April 25, 2009

"Let me know that I've done wrong
When I've known this all along
I go around a time or two
Just to waste my time with you
Tell me all that you've thrown away
Find out games you don't wanna play
You are the only one that needs to know
I'll keep you my dirty little secret"
alright. so im currently stuck with a swollen gum due to an ever-erupting wisdom tooth.. it's like EVER-erupting cause i had the totally same sore feeling somewhere last year i think. DANGS. i should really get it removed. but my past horrifying experiences at the dentists just dreads me... all the driling, tugging and polishing.. plus the metal piece poking around your mouth to check for cavities---i think cavities resulted more likely from the poking and digging with the metal thingy rather than bacteria, bacteria merely intensify the situation.. oh wells. say im bullshitting if you want. haha. i just dont like visits to the dentists. AND doctors. the cold feeling of a metal plate pressed onto your chest cavity and it shifting around your sensitive areas are way too much for me. it's like just a mere step away from asking me to strip. O_O so back to the gum issue. it seems that there's actually a trend in catching a cold, having periods, cutting short hair, weight gaining.. and now. EVEN GUM SWELLING. haha. 3 staff including me at the waitressing place currently have swollen gums. so we all cant laugh too much. though we always do accidentally upon seeing the pathetic plight of fellow gum-sweller.
had driving lesson number i-lost-count today. and my engine still stalled. and my reaction with regards to changing gears is still slow. i still move off SLOW. i change lanes dangerously. i hardly check blindspots. i've got seriously bad estimations in distance and speed.. i tend to follow "my heart" and turn my own directions when my instructor says "turn ____", so it is occassionally a coincidence that i turn the direction that im told. see. im a dangerous driver though i drive at a mere 50km/h 80% of the time. the other 20% strictly belongs to 60km/h. see. how am i ever gonna drive on an expressway??
blossom officially quit her job today. abit sudden to the managers though. haha. while on one hand i was upset about her leaving, i felt like a released a trapped bird or some sort that had been restricted and contained.. congrats my dear. you made it (: the operations manager was pissed. but oh wells. that bastard doesnt even know the whole story before judging people. (hence the idiom DUAN ZHANG QU YI) the cafe manager looked speechless, or at least i know we hardly spoke a work throughout the 8 hours we worked together. MOST IMPORTANTLY, they never questioned why the sudden disappearance of a once committed staff, though part-time, you've still gotta admit the efforts she has put into the job. why would people want to leave? so hastily? it all boils down to one root problem. the management.
im pretty much in high spirits today though blossom and i failed to work for the last time together at mint. why so? i don't know. maybe cause of RP again hahaha. i dreamt of him last night actually. for i forgot what but i think it was a sweeeeeeeeeet dream. when i reached mint, the first thing RP said was, "hey, i dreamt of you last night you know?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. IMAGINE THE AMOUNT OF BLISS. i repeatedly asked him if he was joking, he said he really dreamt of me. WAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAAHA. ok. i should stop it. it's getting irritating, like how i irritated bear bear (staff) on how i ate 2 free cones when he was working his ass off as work. i only got kinda upset when he continued to say he wet dream-ed. -----____-----"" ok. now i really wonder if it's a joke. (NOW YOU SEE HOW YELLOW THE JOKES ARE AT MY WORKPLACE. fortunately, im used to it. i even laugh whenever i heard the F word.) but now. while typing this post in the wee hours. im starting to sober. lightly. cause i know i wont get to work or even see him for most of the next week----i'd probably be thinking of him day and night once again.. and blanking out every now and then with his face popping in my mind. i'll just lose concentration. MANNNNNNNN.(then again, it's a good reason for my to calm down and consider the level of liking. and maybe even dilute the feeling im having).why?cause my schedule's been screwed up and left unconfirmed by the NUS architecture test and interview. plus plus. i got another part-time job just downstairs my house. which pays a pathetic 4 bucks an hour. WHY THE HELL I TOOK THE JOB? i guess im desperate for $$. plus all the travelling is too costly for me. then again, there's really a lot to venture out there. i'll put the job on probation first.
talking about job. i've given up on the flower arranger job. it just isnt me. im not all that demure to stand/sit whole day in a small space to trim and sell flowers. unless it's rafflesia you're talking about. HAHA. now i want my working-hours worth of pay, they're threatening it by saying i'll risk losing it if i dont go back to SGH to "help out" this last time. HMPH. ok. then i'll risk losing it. and risk my reputation amongst the aunties there, sneezing all day long from their hissings. and when that happens. FRIENDS DO ME A FAVOUR AND SMEAR THEIR REPUTATION. it's supposed to be a reputable florist gift shop.
and YES. I MADE IT IN TO NTU biomedial & TCM course!!! WAHAHAHHAA, i've got until like june to reply. so oh wells. i'll leave it first and still head on with architecture or perhaps industrial design. like HOW COOL IS THAT MAN.SHEESH. i've really gotta start pressuring myself to turn interest into passion. a mere liking for everything is not gonna take me far..
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 12:03 AM
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
i cant believe i could still do the leave-the-house-within-15-minutes act. O_o
i was intendin to wake up at 6.30am but my i UNintentionally snoozed my alarm clock REPEATEDLY. com'on. ADORE ME. HAHAHA. i ended up waking up at 8.15am which was the time i was SUPPOSED to leave the house for work at 9am. HENG. i was late by only 10minutes and no one will ever realise or think im late cause it's the opening shift! people only enter the shop after 9am and hence the punching in of cards AFTER nine. YAY.
some part-time cook that left for a head chef job (let's call him.. khatib-er... since he lives so near me -_-) returned to help out today since he's being boh eng at the other job. GOOD FOR HIM. haha. but we didnt chat too much, afterall, there wasnt much to say. i only remember myself arranging cutleries, washing rags, making sugar syrup and so many other menial work within 2 hours.. it was quite dragging but indeed satisfying. the only thing i regret is that the manager DIDNT SEE ME WORKING. and hence, the most-hardworking-staff(mojo) is just most likely to fall back into the arms of someone who can act and bootlick. OH WELLS. life is THAT unfair. *stabs repeatedly at mojo's sole. killing her aint the way to do things*
i wasnt really influenced by the incident yesterday(about how blossom was bullied after i left) but it was a constant reminder to keep a watchout for those involved. and i came to find myself gossiping behind doors again about mojojojo. how could someone looking so that average come with a heart of...ulterior motives. it's too hideous to be described.
unhappy things aside. i found myself camwhoring with this idiot before leaving from work.(by the way, he initiated the photo-taking, not me...) haha. so retarded! but so unfortunately, i really like it. AWWWWW. hahaha. swan says he looks like penguin. WAHAHAHA. oh wells. and YES. i ate TWO free cones today(chocolate macademia, chocolate fudge brownie). and tomorrow i shall go up to him and boast. he boasted to me at 2 something before i ended work with a chocolate fudge brownie free cone in his hand. WAH LAO AYE. *smacks his shoulder*---->i really did it. he said it hurts. but i dont believe him.

met up with these babes at 4pm at cathay. WOOTS. and the ice-cream was SUPER satisfying. or maybe OVER-satisfying to my tummy already hahaha. i had a hard time trying to keep it in. jwong only came in at 5.45pm. AND SHE DIDNT GET HER FREE CONE. cause all of us were to lazy and tired to queue again...moreover, we were filled. hahah. SORRY JWONG. X_X

dragged time by window-shopping around after seet and renu left first, after which we headed our own way home.. awwwwwwww. I WANT THE NEXT OUTING TO BE THEMED: SCHOOL UNIFORM. but renu and swan were frowning. i wonder why. really.
oh wells. whatever. here's a random picture of the day. haha. (i love ____ of the day. i dont know why. maybe it's the repeated usage of "soup of the day" at my workplace. hahahahah.)

as mentioned. the photos owed from the last post. i never realised the scenery from the rooftop winebar looked so awesome from the point of view of a lens. really. the cursive words are added by the blossom! abit off though. hahah.
presenting to you:
the powerpuff girls @mint.

i forgot why we did that. but it's definitely out of a tinge of retarded-ness. LOL.
ok. so, another day of work tomorrow. may all be well.
i am a materialistic girl suddenly.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 8:57 PM
real trusty people. thoughts. drink.
Saturday, April 18, 2009

awww. what cute part-timers we've got(this time). haha. there was a surprisingly large turn-out of part-timers today. haha. partially because i wasnt supposed to be there.. but end up back at my post because of a forseen war-zone at the musuem, the bar and the cafe. haha. it ended up that the bar was pretty much crowded yet NOTHING TO DO(i was assigned up there because the bartender and i are good friends). it's especially BOOORRRING when i realised that the male bartender i usually "assault" wasnt coming for his supposedly last day of work. AWWW MAN. i was yawning half the time, and the other half i was leaning against some non-living thing..
i absolutely displayed a so-what-boss-is-here kinda attitude whether or not im working. it pretty much shows part of my character but i wonder if i should continue to behave this way. afterall, a stranger might just think im arrogant. to make matters worse, i have a naturally frowning face whenever i do not realise it or am not smiling. and you know. i usually dont put up a fake smile. i smile geniunely. and laugh with my heart. or maybe my manager was right, the service industry just isnt for me. because i find it tedious to widen the side of my lips the whole day and hide my feelings. it's not that i do not like to smile at people, but i think i enjoy doing things behind the scene.. like, making a mug of cuppiccino, blending endless orders of smoothies and stuff like that. i really like hands-on stuff. perhaps i should continue to pursue learning hairdressing until i figure out whether it is just another short moment of interest or a passion i find it possible to live with the rest of my entire life. i thought of entering the drama scene. but i've got totally no idea where to start with. the cheena playworks surprising priors to the angmoh theatreworks. haha. im just more comfy with chinese i guess. or SINGING. haha. ok. nevermind, just another interest. I THINK.
speaking of chinese. im am SOOOOO upset over the response with regards to the advertisements showcasing young angmoh kids articulating mandarin with clarity and pride. they complained that it is an insult to chinese who are unable to pick up mandarin. like HELLO. *KNOCK KNOCK* (not enough) *BING BONG BIANG* isnt it the whole agenda of the advertisement? to spur arrogant singaporean chinese to pick up their mother tongue instead of "worshipping" english like a passport to access to the entire world. moreover, they are also trying to prove and promote to other races that ANYONE could pick up chinese(or any other language). so why the big fuss over this creative piece of work?
and OH. about wednesday.(shall upload pictures of this part next time).
i broke my yue ding with seet. again. to go clubbing. and instead headed to the bar at my working place with my other 2 colleagues for a drink.. or two actually. we found that gossip's pretty much the only thing we could do at the bar since the genre of the music couldnt be switched due to rigid rules and regulation set by the office peoplemanagement. oh wells. there were a couple of things we did and i cant really point them out in chronological order. so here goes: i walked really un-glamorously though in a dress, because i couldnt take big steps, i i constantly fine difficulty in conquering stairs, running and even walking.( still, i've got totally no intention of signing up for an etiqutte class);arm-wrestled with male bartender(obviously i lost. and i still had muscle ache the next 3 or 4 days. THAT BAD); interrogated the same guy with blossoms cause he wants to introduce his brother to bubbles(im buttercup. whatever lah. stop laughing); drank 2 full-glasses of white wine; turned a black face to edison who keeps poking his nose into everything(edison is a greedy freak. spreads gossip. and thinks he's handsome. HERM.)(he sayang-ed my head suddenly as if he was close in an attempt to enter thepowerpuffgirls' talk..); got into bed less than 5 minutes after reaching home via MRT. which proves how whirly and heavy my head was from the drinks.. (BLARDY. I CANT DRINK COFFEE. I CANT DRINK ALCOHOL. )
so. when's the official clubbing date?
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 11:54 PM
Friday, April 10, 2009
im such a bored soul.

i spent my PH at home eating. then sleeping.

then i wake up for school of rock.

and started browsing through these some retarded. some emotional. but all really memorable stuff.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 8:51 PM
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
my life's been messed up. so i decided to mess up this post's theme too.
sadistic as it may be, but frankly, it's not easily to carve a decent word out.
i totally adore those legs. even though the main thing here are the leggings.

WHOOPS. too skinny but uh. i thought of see-ing it as another kinda of beauty. oh wells. tralalla~. i used to see this in the mirror too.

just pure gore. nothing esle.

ok. i hate this one.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 10:43 PM
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
oh okay. this week has just begun and i felt an urge to blog again. i guess im just attention-seeking to be blogging and updating the world about my life.
i came to realise only much clearer since monday how much gossips there were in the company.. all the way from the office and management to the kitchen. but yeah, we mustn't deny the usefulness of gossips. it really helps to keep people (or more like blur sotong like myself) informed about the personalities of people, especially superiors. it's like not im absorbing every single information i get by word of mouth because like what people i trust say: you can see for yourself.
i see my favourite mr nice guy complaining to me in an advisory tone about how he is being made to do thing out of his job scope when he's paid a mere thousand two. and that's for a full-timer. and it's not like he's young, it's not like he's unmarried, it's not like he has no family to support.
i observed how the most loyal employee worked. shank. he just worked and worked without complain. and he did it for the last 2 years. most importantly, he never ever got a pay rise, even though he, alike RP is made to go out of the kitchen to call suppliers and sometimes even wipe tables. he isnt a head chef yet he has to create new dishes. and that's without bonus. i was told he was persistant though reluctant because of the amount he could earn as compared back in malaysia. okay, so he's getting paid double. but then again, i sympathised with him. he never got more than 4 hours of sleep in the past 2 years he served with his heart in the company. why is that so? the inefficiency of the management, the arrogance of the superiors and even so-called friends. these are the factors pushing him down back to the most technical and basic stuff, preventing any "inflation" in his pay or reaching up to sit right next to the managers whom he looked upon as friends, or like, people who would lend over a hand. com'on. im totally disgusted at not only the office people, but also he's willingness to exchange his health for money. but if he thinks he's happy, i'll zip up my mouth.
another innocent party of the company, the little sheep would be the most appropriate description for this full-time staff. people leave and go, but she could only persevere on working in either the cafe or the museum. she couldnt have anywhere else to head. this company holds her work permit. but i see her in smiles everything i go to work, she gets surprisingly happy when she's made to work for longer hours. she reasoned: the manager is trying to give me a chance to earn more money. i felt so, so absurd? i don't know. i was really at a lost for words. didnt she realised how she's being manipulated by the manager and the office people? what OT please, it's just an extra 5.50ph rate paid to you after your official shift.
this sucks. the welfare of the staff labouring down there in the kitchen are not taken care off, just because the cafe doesnt earn enough to cover its own cost. the management people, i would say, are just hypocrites, surrounding the boss like butterflies, sweet-talking him to paint him the prettiest yet also the most unfeasible solutions to problem when they had not even investigated to the roots of the problem. it's like, offering a head-chopping or hanging solution to the murderer who killed the "victim", ignorant of the motive of the murderer. ahh. whatever, im making things sound really complicated. you know why? because that's what the management is doing. they make simple things complicated and complicated things simple. evil monsters, are not the way to describe them.
oh wells. before we get our heads chopped off and exploded from our ever-rising blood pressure, a few of us has found outside jobs to leap out to. this group of people does not so happen to include RP, the one and only bartender, me and some other part-timers. i wish we'd leave at the same thing. then again, isnt this too cruel to shank and the little sheep? i don't know. my mind's in a whirl. cant i just be cold-blooded for another time and leave irresponsibly?
the mind whirl doesnt just stop here. i thought of RP, leaving for yes, a place somewhere way better. he could earn more recognition. he could earn more money. and he could also stand to gain via a widening social circle. i fear. would he forget me? would i ever see him again? and if i do, will he see me? will he remember how i stroked his botak head? what about the times he held my hand with fingers crossed? the times we joked together? the days he attempted to display his martial arts strokes and stances? and his numerous attempts to hug and comfort me at my lowest? time is passing really quick. i've got no idea what to do. im at a losing end, am i? oh wait. i already lost. i forgot.
he made me smile:he bought me a dinner meal yesterday because we worked since noon till closing shift. but it's probably me thinking too much again. he's probably apologetic for losing my G2. that's why.
he made me frown:he told me twice that we'd leave from work together. but he didnt in the end. i figured that's because another guy was waiting for him and he has morning shift the next day. and he's just way pissed at the manager (who said she'd change the closing shift half an hour later since the kitchen closing time coincides with the last order time) such that he doesnt wanna face her for the rest of the day.
smile + frown = emotion-less.
im just.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 3:45 PM