x^4 + 6x^3 + 8x^2 + 5x +168 = 0
Saturday, October 25, 2008

rain pouts. I LIKE. and i've been doing that quite a lot while solving algebraic mathematics questions. and please jian hui. DON'T FOLLOW. DON'T COPY. PLEASE.
YAY. finally 2brother is coming back from taiwan. FINALLY. at such weird yet quite wonderful timing. haha. like 3am? which is about 5 hours from now. my mom's stopping me from hopping into the car cause she thinks that i want to study. yes i do. i admit. that's why im bringing my notes to the airport at 3am in the morning (: and maybe no proper sleep? i don't know. i just hope i wont get unneccessary hunger pangs so my weight won't rise like an exponential graph.
ok. im so dead. ONE WEEK = SEVEN DAYS from a level's and im still blogging. it's not like im some genius like SOMEONE. *rolls eyes*------>someone cannot roll eyes. HAHA.
janet is happy that she is not in a relationship. but thinks about it all day. she wonders why she is always left stunned because her dreamguy is always attached. and often by fate brushes across. she continues to wonder. and her mind wanders over to the happy memories. and then like a time machine skips over the prolonged tedious examination drought into the post-"famine" celebration. how come i so happen to agree with her all most of the time?
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 9:45 PM
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
born at 1.20 + pm. i was officially eighteen years old in the midst of chemisty mock paper 3. hah. HOW FUN. so here goes.
happy birthday to cupcake gloria.
happy birthday to ying shi.
and in advance, happy birthday rebecca ng bing xuan---sorry. just felt like spelling your full name out. a lot a lot. (:
special mention and thanks to:
mr jane ng jian hui. for the birthday celebration that did not go according to plan early this month. for being so enthusiastically coming in first position ahead of syahiran's sms immediately past midnight. for the extra mile you took to get that chocolate cake the very last minute. for taking time to write me a second birthday card. no thanks to the shout your midnight sms induced that woke my mom up. to the last minute call for me to reach school earlier. for telling me to imagine you in *thongs*. for passing me the class birthday card before everyone wrote it. and so on. oh wells. thanks for being a great. brother. friend. [that sort of thing la.] the thoughts really count.
mr nuh sally syahiran. hmm. for the i-lost-count soya bean drinks you've treated me [see la, now im expecting more. HAHA]. for helping me to tell seet that my present needs to be changed. for being's jian hui's bestie so i know you'll comfort him whenever i hurt him. (: for the dozens of dozens of cold jokes you shared. and for talking so much, so i won't appear talkative[you have no idea how awkward situations are on the mrt alone with yuheng.. everything i initiate a topic.. he talks abit. and goes silent. so it's me doing most of the talking. *shakes head*]. no thanks to giving me the greatest shock of the year at plaza singapura by getting my attention.. maybe even in years. for inviting me to watch a M18 movie with NUDITY. for knowing WHICH present needs to be changed and still telling me that YOU TRIED IT. wth wth wth.
ms low seet teng. for being the organiser of almost everything. revolving like an earth around the sun[which is me] HAHA. for the sweet thoughts and consolation. for telling me to try out polo after A's.[i dont mind. provided the right timing.] for running in and out of world of sports to change size for me. for putting up with my bad temper when you were trying to hide a surprise from me.. raaaaaarrrrrrrr. you know la. YOU SHOULD. and oh. for walking slow. i enjoy that pace quite a lot. no thanks for TELLING ME TO REACH SCHOOL AT 7AM TOMORROW WITHOUT EATING BREAKFAST. PFFFFF. for having longer legs than me yet having a smaller foot. for pang sei-ing me many times. especially today after you heard it was nude movie today.. for telling me to COME HERE QUICK without telling me the venue's actually the canteen. and for THINKING IT'S THE 21ST TODAY. ok then. I HAVE TWO BIRTH DAYS THIS YEAR. TOMORROW'S MY BIRTHDAY TOO.
MISS SITI NURHA FIZAH. i think that's the way to spell it. i wont say i was surprised that your sms came. I WAS EXPECTING IT ANYWAY. lol. a pity we didnt meet today. or i would have demanded a bear hug. for a minute. long long one. shiok shiok satisfying one. heh.
my dearest secondary school buddies. caiyun minghwei yitan audrey jiawei. haah. so touching. (: (: (:
ms glorious gloria cheng. BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. "i love you and you love wanna marry me"
lion dancers. the card yall tian sent via singpost was. NICE. just that. why the picture take up so much space haha. and WHY THE BLOODY FEATHERS. IM NOT A CHICKEN. DAMNIT. haha. and NO THANKS TO SAMUEL KWEK. who like mel mel, commented that i looked like a gorilla.----> SO WHAT IF I DID. AT LEAST DONT REMIND ME ON MY BIRTHDAY RIGHT. eeyer. and I WILL grow TALLER. haha. then as yingqiao says, i'll go zara and get stilletos. then waihan would be the second i'll step on. the first is always quack quack. and it doesnt really matter if taller=more weight. im already very heavy. *looks down. pouts*
the everest 08SO3I. along with miss liaw[she insist a MISS will do.] i was REALLY SURPRISED when lingxi's sms came. (: sweet. though i should be thanking yall for singing, I REALLY REALLY WANTED IT LOUD AND CLEAR so the WHOLE WORLD KNOWS IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY. eeyeer.. somemore 3 persons leh. the volume should be 3 TIMES LOUDER. so people like VADI knows he still owes my J1 PROMO RESULT SLIP. and more people i know and don't know will smile at me. HAH.
i was in fact. dull last night. the thought of being eighteen did not mean more freedom. but instead. more independence with it's multiplier effect. it totally saddens me when i know i can no longer get cheap thrills from drinking alcoholic drinks illegally in pubs and restaurants.. or like have the chance to sneak into MOS or ZOUK underage. i wished i can remain seventeen. all the way.------------------>now i know why women hate revealing their age. i think. this is bad. im already getting this syndrome at 18. whatmore at 21?!
i got happier the next day. when i opened my eyes with a big yawn with a usual toss over to see my dad's face 30 cm from mine. happy birthday. he whispered. ahh. so nice. then rain's mtv LOVE STORY from his newest album RAINISM[sound retarded i know. but still. so ever supportive of him. you may say im suffering from rainism.]. it started to drizzle and RAIN as i walked to school. what a RAINy day for MRS RAIN. ain it like MY day. WAHAHAHA. [P/S: IT RAINED LAST YEAR WHEN I WENT TO SCHOOL TOO. in fact it thundered.] i saw him. i wanted so much to tell him it's MY birthday so he could wish me. but.. I LOVE MY 'FACE'. so i decided not to tell him with his friends around. and so i never got the chance to. i saw HUNDREDS of familiar faces at i trailed down the corridor. the urge in me, however, was less positive than the self-control i had on my mouth. so no one except my class, the close, william knew. I WANNA SHOUT IT OUT LOUD---->sounds familiar. song lyrics?
with only a couple of hours left to the 2nd day of my birthday.. ok. serious. just that few hours. and like what syahiran said, it's another 365 days. should i sit back, relax. or heed that irritating wei han's sms to "enjoy" mugging since it's "1.5weeks left to A's." damns. i really wished i could sms back that. I HATE YOU. too bad my sms's too precious. hah.
thanks people! and syahiran. this is. ok. quite long. but not the longest. *smirks*
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 4:24 PM
Monday, October 20, 2008

yesterday was a GREAAAAAAT day. haha. too great to the extent that i was SOOOOO tired this morning for econs and subsequently biology.
woke up to the morning to have prata at some ulu place in sin ming afterwhich my dad drove around serene centre to navigate his way upon the place he used to travel often. he claimed there used to be a short-cut across to the botanical garden.. and so he made awfully loads of rounds, reverses and "OOPS". but it was awesome to oogle at the sizes of the kind of houses some bloody rich people are living in.. with a guardhouse and castle-looking mansions. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. there we also stumbled upon the ambassy of malaysia and somewhere around the ambassy of france. i was kinda taken aback but after that not so when i see how garden-ish and billionare-ish the former looked while the latter looked more like some office building with it's deep blue opaque glass windows.
we later stopped by botanical garden after confirming that the short-cut is extinct. woah. the fishes in the ponds are WAY OVER FED. like imagine a fish with it's "waist" bigger than your 1.5 litres water bottle and it's gills flaring out cause it just couldnt close itself to its own body. and the pigeons. they literally walk up to your feet even if you are not holding any food. how human-friendly.
i later found myself to be the most mature among the three. although im approximately 1/3 their age or like 1/10 their combined. somewhere up underneath there... as usual, my dad trotted to almost everything that appeared new to him while my mom tries to pace up. i was like stuck in between. AS USUAL. say, we went to a mini-pond and they started to argue if it was a snakehead or a tilapia or a fish species from thailand. ahhh. who cares. I WAS WEARING SHORTS BUT THEY WERENT. ok. maybe i did care when i squat at a site for approximately 20minutes after a frog-look-a-like sighting.. but to no avail, or when i like move simultaneously in slow motion with the 2 not-so-young-chaps to get a glimpse of a really shy fish.
it was supposed to be the climax but we end up seeing 2 swan asses shaking in their own little island. not our humanise kharsuan.. i really mean that big white bird that lays eggs which later transforms into an ugly duckling.. yes so whatever. we got kinda hyped up again when we saw little squirrels hoping from tree to tree and zig-zig-ing its way across the pathway. look at those puffy tails and how it twitches.. i used to have substitutes for at home.. when i jump out from behind the door and scream really loudly at my unsuspecting cat. then MMMMMIEECCK! boombah. and you see a similarly puffed up tail standing on ends.. moreover, you see not just brown tails.. you see black and white ones too (: HOW FUN. WAHAHAHAH.
but those days. haiz. wait till i get a private house. i'll get those cats home.. even if it means leaving the house empty so no precious wood or leather gets clawed. i swear the first thing i'll get is a private house. not a car. house first please. *dreams on, and the money flies further.*
it's been weeks since i last gave my precious baiwan a wipe and some really really comforting strokes. she was like. a piece of meat. that's like the best description cause she just laid down for me to sayang for 30 minutes straight? she purred, glanced a moment at me and put her head back down. then some other cat choked and started coughing in front of me.. immediately my mom reprimanded me for being so stupid. she scolded. literally, to which why i didnt move away. and how can i be a vet if im so stupid. i hissed back without thinking "when did i say i wanted to be a vet lah!" at the very moment, i wasnt thinking too much. actually, i think i lied. i think i did aspire to be a vet after my last dog died. but the devastation from my results told me to be a practical person and stay in singapore. dont be a vet. pursue a realistic dream. and so on. with funds lacking, a brain too dumb and a character not very desirable, maybe it's time to sit back and reconsider really, what i should be. or should i go for the last resort, study anything and sign on to the army or join the police. argh. decisions too complicated should not be bothering me weeks or like DAYS before A levels. put that down. or i'll start to euthanise myself.
dinner. was also out. AT VIVO. yay. it's been time we went to a shopping gallare. and it's at a marche. i never knew where and what that was until i came across the name in a conversation with pauline paul. ok. so when i though it was a class restaurant.. not really. besides the presence of air-con, having credit-card-like cards and gawing at over-priced food, i'd rather go to lao pa sa----->never eaten there. believe it or not. or some hawker food centre where food and cheaper and probably nicer. then again. it's probably more value for money than seoul garden. i swear im not stepping into that place for the next...5 years? oh wells. coincided with an first-three-months-ajc-friend. hah. so model and chio. *melts down* she had a hair let down with a gentle perm, some makeup to touch-up her facial features and wore a TIGHT and MINI dress complement with a black retro belt around her waist. WOSH. hot mans. especially when SHE'S TALLER AND THINNER than me.. probably HER LEGS ARE LONGER THAN MINE. !!!!!!!
"party" officially ended. so it's weird. cause 2nd brother isnt here. and so the 6th member of the original ng family got replaced by a da-sao this year... the photo album da-sao nicely wrapped with was YAY. just in time cause im about to get my 1001 million camwhored-with-friends photos, including an uncountable set of jump shots, printed. but the "I SEE DUMB PEOPLE" was. so my big brother who is so perma-ever-ready to suan me. RAWR. *bites*
and just. just just. i argued with my mom and i got pissed for no specfic reason. maybe pms-ing or like splashing out all the feelings i've been bottling inside. do you know how much it hurts when, not just once but multiple times and still counting, your mom thinks you are another person whether she goes out with you? it's like on EVERY SINGLE OCCASSION she says, "i went out with your sister". or maybe i should just forgive her. it might be poor memory. which i hope to express such symptoms selectively or like. oh wells.
mugging is so not my cup of tea. can i replace paperwork with erm.. balls and games?
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 5:31 PM
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

i apologise to all who expects to see no relevance to mugging in my blog with respect to the above picture.
sighs. may there be some great genius soul out there who can destroy this virus that haunts me AT LEAST twice a year... i still remember i caught a flu during take 5 and how difficult it was to perform. it also paid me a visit during soccer seasons.. for both "occasions", i had to take 2 panadols plus another tablet to curb the symptoms of flu. which i did it again on monday and tuesday this week. DAMNS. i hate flu.
the good news is that, with lots of rests, and i mean A LOT, plus plenty of warm water, i waved goodbye to a running-tap-nose, though my head still hurts, feel lack of breath and still cough out phelgm whenever my throat itches. sounds bad, but really, i feel a lot better in a much shorter time like 3 days compared to 2 weeks during soccer seasons. THANK GOD IT'S HOLIDAY so i got an average of 10 hours of sleep each day and managed 17hours of sleep yesterday. the opportunity cost if of course, not studying which obviously pales in comparison to all the symptoms im relieving myself of. YAY.
PAINTED SKIN is a GREAT show. with a relatively happy ending. i wont say a very happy ending cause i was still expecting the guy to accept the demon's love rather than for her to be banished back into animal form---white fox---->SO CUTE WORX.
the cinema was bloody freezing as my mom and i shoved my soccer jacket to one another, so it ended up partly on her arms, partly on my legs. if you understand what i mean. but no temperature would stop us from blurring our visions. haiya. women. all so emotional. but at least this movie didnt make me cry like mad to the extend of drawing out the secret weapon---tissue paper. it's always so embarrasing to walk out of the theatre with redden eyes you know..

im not sure if my preference has declined or changed or that it's his image. i think this guy CHEN KUN is good looking and hot---i havent seen his figure. haha. like waaah. so MAN. so TAN. so FAITHFUL. so HANDSOME. so FIT. so BRAVE. and whatsoever compliment you can give. at first i hated him for killing his wife, but then being a mortal in plain darkness, you couldnt blame him for believing the claim that his wife is the demon. at least HE LOVED HIS WIFE.
donney yen[hope i didnt spell wrongly] seems...rather hot too. hmm. AYE. AT LEAST I AM SURE HE'S A TRUE MARTIAL ART-er [?!] old guy. but still got the charm. SEET RELAX. IM NOT SNATCHING ANY OF THOSE OLD PEIPEIS FROM YOU.
great day. (:
finally i could go out with mama. finally. but everything seems to be going too smoothly. i foresee some agitations ahead. hmm. keep calm. smile. and all will be well. or at least better.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 8:45 PM
Friday, October 3, 2008

im sorry. but. I AM STILL IN A STATE OF SHOCK. and hence, i need time to recall the sequence of events that happened with and without me knowing.
"ahhhh. school was perfect today."
finally there was morning assembly after a prolonged period of stay-in-class-there's-no-assembly-today kinda day. bio prac was abit naggy but still interesting as the class soon began to zip open their bags and pop cameras out. YAY. finally there's a nice class photo was ms liaw. FINALLY. haha. kinda honoured to be standing next to her.. and taking quite a number of times with her since yesterday.
as usual, vadi took his own sweet time to come to class and we were very glad that happened actually. while the class next day was literally having a party with balloons, our class started camwhoring and doing jumpshots. there was SO MUCH FUN AND LAUGHTER. perhaps even more effective in bonding the class than class outing since all was there was there.. and those who arent just kinda missed it. HAIYA. NO WINSTON PHOTOS. besides a couple of pics i took when he just stepped into the class, seet ks renu me decided to take a pic with vadi with princess gege as our photographer. we couldnt understand why gege was laughing so much instead of taking the picture but we finally did cause vadi looked so INNOCENT while the 4 of us behind were like DEVILS. guys, you all know that IN REALITY, IT'S THE OPPOSITE RIGHT.
oh yeah right. BEAR HUGS TO KS AND SEET FOR FAREWELL GIFTS though we wouldnt really be farewell-ing... right?
math lecture was back to serious business and it was a pity we couldnt catch up with ms wang for a shot. HAIYA. our "ingenious" jane decided that we should have a class lunch at the very very last minute... and so, to reduce the guilt within us, me and seet decided that we sit around the class table for a while before heading back home, at the same time waiting for deh "efficient" vadi to return renu a call.
ok. now the series of dramatic events.
initially i thought being 15 min late in meeting seet for really really bad since i complained when she was late the other day. errr. turns out she wasnt angry. alright.... then on the train she was telling of how she was gonna meet SOMEONE---she emphasized it herself with a VERY suspicious look. i decided to ignore that fact and think that.. ok.. she's just going to pass her friend examination scripts.. but seet kept bringing it up like i was suspecting something which in the end i did... so to minimise the embarrasment she would have in meeting the guy, i considerately alighted the train one-stop earlier for her to meet her beloved.
i called renu but she didnt answer. since char told me she couldnt make it, i gave jwong a call who told me she didnt know about the dinner and that she was at home. alright. so jwong would be the usual sorry-im-late queen. so, curious window shopper as i was, i entered plaza singapura and took a few turns until i came to a corner and "coincided" with syah and jane.
"[my pupils immediately dilated]AHH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??" i swore i shouted. it aint just my usual volume. i was so very terribly extremely greatly---->all not strong enough to express the irregular heartbeat IM STILL EXPERIENCING 5 hours after the incident. perhaps a few reasons that explains my volcanic reaction was 1. i never wear skirts casually when guys are around. 2. that two idiots great soul were supposed to be in vivocity!!!!
"what?! why i cannot be here?" syah replied. i think jane was smirking aside.
with my eyes still wide open, i SWIFTLY turned around and walked away. I PRAY THEY LEFT ME ALONE. in peace. GAWD KNOWS THEY TAILED ME LIKE SO PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR. EVERYWHERE. i was considering entering a lingerie shop but.. i myself feel weird when guys enter with me. i took strikes bigger than ever to shake the 2 behind me.. AHHHHHHHH. im was DYING. in the end i decided that i return to the mrt to wait for seet.. who appeared... ALONG WITH CHAR AND KS AND JWONG----->THIS WOMAN SAID SHE COMING AT 8.30PM. SHE BLUFF ME.
and i didnt realise how dark the room i was kept in was...
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY YING SHI!! it's abit early but we'll treat it as your birthday day" jwong smiles super sweetly. but she immediately got hissed by seet and char..
ok. i gradually realised that, it was NOT a coincident that syah and jane was there. char and ks had been able to go in the first place. and jwong wasnt at home. pizza hut wasnt just planned to be pizza hut... sweet wasnt meeting a friend or a guy. in fact, SHE WAS MEETING A BUNCH OF OUR GOOD FRIENDS. and erm, syah and jane were supposed to meet me first at PS but ended up: MISSION FAILED. cause they were supposed to make me follow them instead of chasing after the TERRIFIED me. and i am still. DUMBFOUNDED NOW. perhaps the only CLEAR AND DIRECT truth tonight is that renu couldnt come. WE MISSED YOU (:
it also turns out that they bought my a bloody low-cut SHORT dress which syah agrees with me.
I SERIOUSLY DON'T KNOW WHETHER TO LAUGH OR CRY. surprisingly, i wasnt angry at all. and THANK GOODNESS syah and jane didnt go along to buy those "feminine" birthday present for me. i was further told that becky jolyn and px was actually invited too. WOW. but couldnt make it for some reasons.. i wonder what would happen if becky came. afterall, her birthday is one day after mine (:
hah. all in all. ok. besides the irregular heartbeat im suffering from now, yay. happy day. and then..
GREAT THANKS to SEET [ for panicking excessively for fear that i would smell rat when im actually really gullible ] KS [ for being the photographer of the day----i forgot to bring my own camera..] CHAR [ the sweet note, for helping to choose the dress later helping me to zip up some stuff.., and for sacrificing time despite some difficulties] JWONG [ FOR REVEALING BITS AND PEICES OF EVIDENCE THOUGH I DIDNT REALISE IT---congrats you have a friend to join you in the CLUB OF GULLI-BODIES] RENU [ for the earliest birthday card. for helping me to choose the pink thingy. now let me tell you. i like RED. and happy with HOT PINK so lucky you. no light pink PLEASE.] SYAH JANE [ for helping in the "co-ordination" and attempting to chase after the
terrified me around PS like private public investigators.
and really. i appreciate it. and you totally concluded one of my most SHOCKING birthday celebration. i guess it already makes up for everything that i might be missing this year for my birthday. I LOVE YOU GUYS LOADS.
meanwhile, im crossing my fingers AND TOES for fear of "irrelevant" to-be-censored images being transmitted around...
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 11:10 PM
syahiran house visit cum 'lunch'
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

yay. so it's selemat hari raya.
and happy children's day.
day started off with meeting seet teng who. for the first time. was SO late. ok. let me put it this way, perhaps someone was too busy shopping for CHEAP stuff and neglected her poor friend waiting for her at the mrt platform.. the mrt station is called DHOBY GHAUT.
we arrived not too early not too late at serangoon mrt station. actually i wasnt very sure of the time either. but my point is, we werent the latest. heh. and so, some mugger brought his prelim 2008 chemistry book to revise as syahiran helpfully tried to help to explain the solution given. and THANKS. the HOST was walking behind all the VIRUSES. [i sincerely hope you got the joke]
i was impressed at how muslims/malays took time and effort to decorate their houses such that it looks really cosy and nice. i was just thinking, how long would those pretty orange curtains be put up and what would happen if some moron runs in and rips off all the brightly coloured cloths.. ahh there was food. DUH. we cleared like half the amount of snacks available before even greeting syah's parents. either we were too hungry or the snacks were.. "too sinful".
then there was all the talking and crapping at the table.. from the JCs we would go if we were to be late for A levels to how i couldnt do spellings and pronunciation blah... to the food being too spicy or not. and there was the occasional cockoo bird from the clock above my head. AMUSING. but i guess my mouth ruined part of the relaxed happy atmosphere again.
im so sorry syahiran. and those living in the usual HDB flats. im perhaps a more pampered kid than seet then. i grew up in a spacious house where i could easily do cutwheels and rollerblade. yea.. that's the kinda bigger houses you can get 20 odd years ago at the same price as the usual size of the HDB flat you can afford today. LOOK WHAT INFLATION HAS DONE TO US. so when we moved house, my parents went to hunt for houses with the intention of SPACES to accomodate our big movements. but still, houses the size we had is really hard to find. then again, im truly apologetic. SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY. i hope i didnt offend anyone. or. like duh. of course i did. PLEASE FORGIVE ME.
sometime after gloria left to provide FREE tution, we translocated ourselves out of our seats to take a few shots of HAPPY-FRIENDS-PORTRAIT. whatever you call it. im SOOO glad that i positioned my head some distance behind seet and renu such that.. FOR A RARE MOMENT, my head looks SMALL. YESH.
renu rushed to meet her mum as kharsuan, so ever supportive of her taiwanese shows, headed straight home from the same mrt station where i met seet whilst the rest of us[yuhengjianhuikaibinseetme], INCLUDING SYAHIRAN, headed for the arcade. woah. we totally rekindled our children nature. haha. ME AND SEET WON THE GUYS IN PARTNERED-BASKETBALL-THROWING-COMPETITION. and unfairness was absoluted revealed when the guys helped seet to win in the datona. HMPH.
and i got devastated during the train ride back with seet. after like. erm 6 years with my 1st and current phone plan, i realised i hadnt been just sending one sms. it's like an average of 5 sms-es with each button pressed. DAMN. no wonder my father warned me last month and hinted that i need a new phone plan. I SWEAR I'LL SEND AT MOST 3 SMS-ES PER MONTH FROM NOW ONWARDS. so dont blame me for not replying your messages.
ok. what a selemat. what a happy. hari raya children's day. HEY. GAWD STILL OWES ME ONE CHILDREN'S DAY... cause He landed me on earth AFTER october the first.
it's back to mugging. again. i CANT believe there's school tomorrow.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 7:43 PM