Tuesday, August 19, 2008

this guy. is not history. i could only say we ALL pinned too much hopes on him. and he probably just overworked himself during training. it's really a great pity. he didnt even complete his first race. and. im gonna curse and swear at all those unsympathetic cold-blooded creatures who criticised him for being a sore loser. i just read the newspaper and some asshole freaking gave a comment that he should chop off both his legs for bringing shame to his country. HEY DUDE. his heart is definitely hurting more than anyone could imagine. besides having 500 000 000 million[that's was the paper wrote] forgone, he was not even able to compete in the heats. AHHHH. at least Gay Tyson can run now. *sighs. JIAYOU LIU XIANG.
alright. point formings now.
- phelps really should NOT smile AT ALL. at least he looks kinda charming with a stern face. HEH.
- im in 100% amazement at how one can run with untied shoelaces and break a record in 100m sprints. JAMAICIANS FTW.
- weather was. not rainy not sunny.. sweet said it was perfect for swimming and so we did.
- kinda crazy but yes we went swimming today right after school... and im NOT burnt. i think.
- did a few retarded things today like closing my locker door and then realising i've place everything in EXCEPT for my hp and wallet. AHHHH.
- sweet did retarded things too OKAY. waaaah. that chio-bu with long legs.
- i realised her neck was relatively more out of water than mine when we trap-watered. haha. WOAH. CONGRATS.
- i do not consider qns about shaving or waving very sensitive questions. really.
- am tired.
- am very unhappy of traitors--- i-am-a-liu-xiang-fan-but-not-that-you-lost-i-hate-you people.
- sorry syahiran for asking about that thing. you know what thing. stop acting innocent. but I'LL BE THERE FOR YOU (: or like feel free to ask me questions even if i do not expertise in them... LIKE WHAT YOU ALWAYS DID.
- i was napping halfway and i thought of gege. i think she lost weight. hmmm.
- ks is officially called CAI-ER. HAHAHAHA.
- some siao ding dong downstairs suddenly burst out laughing like a clown. i don't know who the hell is that. but it's amusing and yet creepy..
- pauline looks like a muggertoad today.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 9:20 PM
Saturday, August 9, 2008

this is BAD BAD BAD. for perhaps the FIRST TIME. CELEBRATIONS ARE DISASTER. the long weekend is supposed to be advantageous to people who wanna mug. but.. with MAJOR events like OLYMPICS and NATIONAL DAY which is one after another.. events after events, HOW COULD I MISS IT?! and ta-dah! there goes 2 days.. by the way.. 2nd photo edited to censor certain unglam parts of the photos... original still kept though. hur-hur.
thurs 7/8:
school celebrations. camwhored. sally reminds me to blog of her 1 litre soyabean milk and other retarded stuff. NAAH! your wish come true. i am[was] not angry if you think i am[was]. class basketball was the biggest thing that day. and please. dont so somersaults on the stage. i fear for you, gymnasts.
fri 8/8:
missed class outing. i dont even know if it proceeded. KFC for br-unch cause i woke up at 12pm. YES. DREAM COME TRUE. cats visiting with big spiders everywhere later in the day... watched olympic opening ceremony.. I HATE CHANNEL 5 THEY SHOULD BAN ADVERTISMENTS DURING SUCH VITAL ESSENTIAL IMPORTANT REPRESENTATIVE events! im glad we subscribe to starhub. THEY HAVE NO ADVERTISMENTS. and i cant believe i sat in front of the tv just to see 203 countries walk pass the screen and only a few cute faces and hot bodies to make up for the opportunity cost. i admire the pretty face and slim body of the chinese female volunteers. *SIGHS* and those sideline "cheerleaders" who contantly jumped and moved to welcome the 203 representative countries... good stamina. if i moved with them.. maybe i would have lost .5kg at the end of the show...
sat 9/8:
national day. okay. kinda off-peak compared to beijing olympics... so wasnt enthusiatic about watching NDP anymore. woke up to the smell of burnt food thanks to mom. then i stuck myself to starhub channels instead, whenever given the chance cause i was out of the house most of the time today.. breakfast at ang mo kio..window shopping at some loyang shopping centre.. then lunch at east coast park.. then chinatown.. then house visiting cum dinner collection at aunt's house.. and finally home. and there's lunch at ah-mah's house tomorrow. ahh great. "yay". yar, IM SURE. at least i dont have a study plan to further demoralise myself.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 11:03 PM
Saturday, August 2, 2008
OH MY FREAK. i think my soccer junior escaped to cambodia with my $50.. SHE DIDNT HELP ME TO PAY THE J1 EXCOs FOR THE SOCCER JACKET!!! and was it her who owes me my lion dance shirt???? damns. this is why sometimes, I REALLY HATE LENDING PEOPLE STUFF OR RELY ON PEOPLE TO DO SOMETHING FOR ME.
anyway, i skipped scholarship day knowing that my chances of getting them are really really LOW LOW LOW. so i woke up later just in time for gp remedial *sighs. now i have an essay and a comprehension to complete for the week. this sucks because i still have to complete my current tutorials. so that mean im not even revising yet!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
ok. then it was i-care cip @ aljunied. [ i suppose that's how to spell it.] haha. i love my grouping with seet ks sally yh and zhongning aka zazu (: it was loads of laughter amongst confusion. haha. ok. set. I SHALL PICK UP MALAY not from sally in case he teaches me otherwise AFTER A LEVELS. and my dream to learn korean is drifting off back into that RAIN poster i pasted on my wardrobe ):
KS DIDNT EAT LUNCH. "she is skinny but she is on a diet" HAH. okay. she's dead now that i blogged this up.
YH HAS LEG HAIR when i always thought it would be hairless or just really REALLY fine hair. but oh wells. still looks nice from far.
SALLY DRANK ONE LITRE OF SOYA BEAN MILK. besides lactose-intolerant individuals, i really do not know how to go on warning males about the effects of consuming soy products.
SEET. woah. rare. i got nothing to say about her. haha. okay la. besides the fact that I FELT HER WAIST AT THE ESCALATOR AT MRT. SHUHAN DID TOO!!!! hahahah.
okay. sally left early for prayers which was like 2 stops away while the rest of us headed from some kopitiam for cip-class dinner after debrief. we were split into GIRLS table and GUYS table. so we kinda interacted about stuff we wouldnt say in front of guys. and OF COURSE I SAY THEM DISCREETLY LA. i like milky sweet teh-ping (: WAAAAH.
oh. MS LIU XUE TING thinks im on a diet. which im not currently. but i should soon...
facebook's really good at spamming.. i got like 22 email notifications for not coming online for just ONE day. woah. alright. stop blogging before that newly changed bulb hanging above my head perms my hair dry. WHY DOESNT MY DAD BELIEVE ME THAT IT'S REALLY PRODUCING A LOT A LOT A LOT of heat???????
lastly. i think nicky is nice (:
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 10:46 PM