Friday, July 18, 2008

oh man. my week seems to be a bomb haha. by the way, the interesting candid above was taken right in front of his face. and oh. before i start to narrate on my life.. i came across this interesting article about some HEALTHIEST SUPERFOOD.
"..Goji Berries - Goji or wolfberries have long played important roles in Chinese medicine where they are believed to enhance immune system function, improve eyesight, protect the liver, boost sperm production and improve circulation, among other things. .." HAHA. so err. calling to all wanna-be daddies. you should be eating this. HAHAHA. VERY GOOD WORX.
i can't exactly remember what happened since my brain is not functioning efficiently after gulping down and BREATHING down [literally] mouthfuls and NOSEfuls of water into my stomach. SHEESH. so pardon some possible inaccuracy in my account. if you're free.. you might even want to calculate the probability of having at least 3 errors, out of every 200 words written. HAHA.
monday 14/7:
- miss GOH my TIAN birthday.
- ok. i was mean to attempt to smash her face into the cake she was eating.. BUT THE CAKE WAS SO SMALL.. LIKE 4cm in height, 6cm in length and a mere 2.5 cm in width.
- leeks thinks im a LESBIAN for talking about seet. HMMM.
tuesday 15/7:
- 3 freaking hours of biology that made suzie to stay in the hostel and return for pe. HAH.
- i really forgotten what was for pe. i THINK it was floorball eh? and ms ethanol was our IMBA scorer.
- IM SORRY FOR SHOUTING AT SEET in a desperate attempt to make her RUN FOR THE BALL when the ratio of the distance of her from the ball and her opponent from the ball was like 1:4 ?!
- I THOUGHT THAT THERE IS A SERIOUS NEED TO COMPLAIN. one fine day while walking home with seet and ks, seet used me as a garbage transporter by putting a paper ball into my bag without me knowing. and when we reached the bus-stop. she halt me and picked out that paper ball to throw into the REAL bin. WAH PIANG.
- that was not the end. cause ethanol has made me her floor-ball transporter on tuesday after pe. THEN MY EVEREST KS BLUFFED ME THE BALL WENT MISSING when i kicked the ball away out of frustration. THE WORST THING was RENU WAS ON THEIR SIDE. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wednesday 16/7:
- FINALLY my name was signed up on the board for waterfest. OOOH LA LA~.
- SEET WON HER POLO. SO COOOOOL. ok. maybe i should TRY that sport one day too. HAHA. but first. train up core muscles.
- went to watch and SUPPORT engwei in his run. SINCE HE
TOLD ASKED ME TO. haha. and his gf is FREAKING SKINNY. once again, my gullible-ness has been made use of. engwei told me she isnt skinny. -_-" - he didnt run. errr. im neither happy nor sad. just pain. *smirks*
- I LOVE MY TICKET NO. 3838 HAHA. so nice worx. and I SHALL COMMEND ON THE COUNCILLOR FOR GIVING ME AND KS THAT 2 LIMITED TICKETS.--apparently, demand greatly exceeded the perfectly price inelastic supply that day.
thursday 17/7:
- our dear little muffin's birthday. ok. for trying to give you a birthday surprise, i get countless of whackings. THANKS ARH.
- and i don't think "shooting star" is gay.. CUTE WHAT.
friday 18/7 TODAY SIA:
- JANE STOLE MY POCKY. but he made it up with a treat of soya bean drink. hah.
- my lips kinda turned jwong-ish after eating those chilli-padi.
- was supposed to play basketball today. but everyone landed in a state of shock even after 30 minutes the paramedics had gone.
- and other classes stared at us in disbelief for eating at the same table where our patient was while waiting for help to arrive.
- TAKE CARE LOADS to the relevant person yea?
- I SEE how mel's lip colour could be enhanced. STAND UNDER HOT SUN. SUPER PINK!!
- left for waterfest at like 3pm with seet to the RI pool. FINALLY I GOT TO GO INTO OUR SCHOOL'S POOL. haha.
- deh water proficiency test was a good warm-up to start with.
- ok. saw BS's hot body. hah. ok. more precisely. quite a number la. but then.. the looks just.... oh wells.
- the LIFE VEST was MORE OF A KILLER VEST when it floating up and stuck at our throats as we struggle to swim faster.. and faster.. and FASTER. my j1 buddy siang huat was like "OH I DIDNT KNOW YOU SO IMBA" THANKS ARH. THAT MONSTER STILL CANNOT SPELL MY NAME PROPERLY. so much so being his og-mate and him being my assigned buddy.
- still lost in the end. but still. i know WE ALL HAD FUN. when there's something lost.. there's always something else gained. just like the way energy works.
- kennard was a nice guy. considerate haha. not what some people thought of him. minmin was ADORABLE. and vera. WOOOOO. then there's alex, hongjie, ivan.. hah. I MADE LIKE NEW FRIENDS TODAY. and i finally knew that swimmer-polo name. CHRISTINE.
- everyone was like friendly and in good mood after the games.. so we were like smiling at total strangers.. but duh la. there still exists some people who smiles selectively. HMPH.
probably by the time leeks finishes reading this entry.. she'll come up with the number of times i mentioned "seet" and there adds an extra count. LOL. my entire clique is like on a look-out for me for "favourable traits" . alright. whatever. in case you think im gonna crush seet one day HAHA.
THERE'S LION DANCE PERFORMANCE FOR COLLEGE DAY TOMORROW! and i can't go for the ice-cream treat in the later part of the day. this sucks cause i still have GP remedial and i havent done my essay at all. the question's like rotting in a corner of my shelf..
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 8:36 PM
having an awesome youth day?
Monday, July 7, 2008
"im a bee~~"

OOO. what a youth day everyone as life turned out a pace too slow for me today.
i had to kill time watching some random soccer match and some retarded cooking variety show as my mom took her own sweet time, as usual, to come home for lunch. and by the time she turned that door lock open, i was asleep on the bed, again.
if i think im lucky or like fortunate.. this would be it.. a trip down to the we-didnt-expect-such-a-noisy-crowded IKEA @ tampines. YESH. finally a breath of air not from home, not from school and not from the mrt. well.. perhaps due to the unexpected swam of school children enjoying YOUTH day when they havent even reached puberty, *sighs*, i wasnt really enjoying my food. instead, i was thinking of ways to gag their mouths or like rope them up to the pillars so distractions could be reduced and peace restored.
i was still rather moody and doozy from the
nap sleep at home and i know my mind is yearning for more since it wasnt given the appropriate dosage on saturday night---will tell you why later. and my eyes were still half-closed even as i neared the stench from the animal shelter. FINALLY my pupils dilated when some chihuahua landed its paws on my thighs and another dog sniffed up on me. -_-"
she purred satisfyingly as i stroked her fur that felt unusually soft for a cat that hasnt bathed in a month. i think. she was literally blowing bubbles from her nose but that didnt seem to bother her too much. we just needed to feel each other so much. i leaned my forehead over to tell her how much i loved her as she squins her eyes and lets out a soft reply, "meek."
and here comes the climax. she looks away at other cats like an empress like she was trying to boost how loved she was.. then she gives a 180 degree turn back to me and sneezed RIGHT IN ME FACE. TWO TIMES. great. im loved too.
sunday was a LOOOONG but fufilling day. imagine waking up at 6.30 am and out for breakfast by 7.30am. THIS IS CRAZY. and no wonder i still put on a zonked face 4 hours after washing up. hah. OUTING AT LIM CHU KANG. was indeed.. a place people usually dont go because of its rather isolated location. besided visiting a few vegetable plots and gawing at huge ancient fishes kept in huge tanks like pets *shivers* and freaking out at the sight of uncountless of millipedes under your soles... having your feet being enjoyed at by hungry skin-eating fishes was yet another UNIQUE HIGH-FREQUENCY experience.. both for me and the people around me. AHH. if you get what high frequency mean that is.. never mind the volume cause it's like EXPECTED.
photos next time (:
[3 days later..] ok now.
veggies. not tea plantation or bushes.

you're there if you say it's a cactus. to be precise.. a young dragon fruit.

the soon-to-be-mature dragon fruit.

comparative sizes. nope. it's not a winter melon. it's a HU LU WITHOUT A WAIST. haha.

the SUN-facing-FLOWER.

All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 10:25 PM