surviving the odds

and still making my stand


Thursday, July 31, 2008


All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 10:20 PM

keeping busy with fun.

Friday, July 18, 2008

oh man. my week seems to be a bomb haha. by the way, the interesting candid above was taken right in front of his face. and oh. before i start to narrate on my life.. i came across this interesting article about some HEALTHIEST SUPERFOOD.

"..Goji Berries - Goji or wolfberries have long played important roles in Chinese medicine where they are believed to enhance immune system function, improve eyesight, protect the liver, boost sperm production and improve circulation, among other things. .." HAHA. so err. calling to all wanna-be daddies. you should be eating this. HAHAHA. VERY GOOD WORX.

i can't exactly remember what happened since my brain is not functioning efficiently after gulping down and BREATHING down [literally] mouthfuls and NOSEfuls of water into my stomach. SHEESH. so pardon some possible inaccuracy in my account. if you're free.. you might even want to calculate the probability of having at least 3 errors, out of every 200 words written. HAHA.

monday 14/7:

tuesday 15/7:

wednesday 16/7:

thursday 17/7:

friday 18/7 TODAY SIA:

probably by the time leeks finishes reading this entry.. she'll come up with the number of times i mentioned "seet" and there adds an extra count. LOL. my entire clique is like on a look-out for me for "favourable traits" . alright. whatever. in case you think im gonna crush seet one day HAHA.

THERE'S LION DANCE PERFORMANCE FOR COLLEGE DAY TOMORROW! and i can't go for the ice-cream treat in the later part of the day. this sucks cause i still have GP remedial and i havent done my essay at all. the question's like rotting in a corner of my shelf..

All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 8:36 PM

that pretty girl down the street.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

oh wells. what else can i say besides the great old traditional yet down-to-earth happy birthday to you seet teng (: hah. you totally awed my down with your sparkling eyes with those contacts you wore and the magnificent outfit we bought and you wore today. okay. i sound ridiculous but to me. you are deh rocker man. i don't care how pretty is that "chiobu" sitting at the corner of the mrt or how hot her legs are. the focus is you, i totally adore you. errr. that probably explains why i give you that look so much on the train. im constantly wondering if im really that lucky, cause you... nevermind. i hope this adoration doesnt mutate any further.

alright.. here's the more or less description of the REAL[as accurate as possible since all are based on memory] events that occurred in the midst of preparing seet tend a surprise during the past week. hah. what a "cascade" of dramatic events.

wednesday 2nd july

  • had planned to shop for seet teng's birthday present over the weekend.. from the list which she PROUDLY and "generously" blogged up.
  • initially we thought it would be fun to get her a skirt or a hot shorts or a vest or even.. frankly, heels. but the idea was scraped because one. she can easily obtain them at almost half the price at toa payoh where she frequents. two. her mom forbids "skimpy" clothings on her darling daughter. three. she will NEVER wear it even if her mom allows.
  • so we actually thought our plan was flawless since we could "get rid" of seet teng as she goes for her afternoon waterpolo training. BUT GAWD KNOWS IT WAS CANCELLED and we only knew it on the day itself. *PANICS*
  • genius-es or idiots as we were.. we decided to "escape" from her by commanding her stays outside the LT2 toilet. ks char and me excitedly RAN OUT --literally-- from the other door..

  • when we thought seet teng could take the joke and go home herself whilst the rest of us head to dhoby ghaut, we heard this flabbergasted squeal all the way from the windy tables: "CHARLEEENEEEE!!" [please note that our poor little seet teng is still outside the toilet waiting...]

  • shocked and afraid she would catch up with us and then realising we were getting her the present that day, we SPRINTED to the RI tables. HAH. and this is when seet teng called my phone. err.. blank as i was, i just stared at my phone until it stopped vibrating--it's silent mode.

  • ks picked up her call and got a bad scolding for leaving without informing and making a fool out of her. and she hung up. OOPS. in trouble obvious.

  • still, not wanting to destroy our plans, ks headed a different route via RI while char and me phoned seet teng and pretended ABSOLUTELY innocent when she asked our whereabouts. the excuse? CHASING STALKING AFTER SOME EYECANDY.

  • okay. the bottom line is.. she was really REALly REALLLLY PISSED. it really took me and char some sincere-yet-not-all-so-sincere coaxing to bring down her temper as we walked to the mrt via outside RI. ---our poor ks was still alone. lonely. strolling in the midst of ri boys...

  • bidded goodbye to char as she took her usual train while i.. being the GREATEST sacrificer, [ok la. not the greatest la..] took the train all the way home with seet teng. *sighs. imagine the long lonely journey i had to make back via bishan to dhoby ghaut.

  • shopping tee-shirts was seet teng is one of the most tedious tasks i've ever undertaken. her shoulders are BROAD. so you usually get a BIGGER shirt. BUT. her BODY is SHORT. so a bigger shirt may end up looking not-like-shirt-not-like-dress on her. which is going to look really glamorous. it became worse when some shirts only comes in ONE SIZE. or that the shirt costs WAY OVER BUDGET.

  • at least we bought chocolates THAT CANNOT BE FOUND IN NTUC at the end of the day as the 3 of us stoned and rest our feet at BK. and mind you. i wasnt feeling in my best that day physically. haha. BUT THEN. FOR HER. ALL WORTH IT LAH.

thursday 3rd july

  • seet teng.. being the fast-tempered and yet also easily calmed person.. gave ks LOADS OF PICTURES of her favourites to compensate for hanging up the phone on her. we really wanted to tell her it's NOT her fault AT ALL. but the time wasnt ripe.


  • with all the secret drag-aways and seet-teng-prohibited talks. it's inevitable that she gains suspicions of us and of our plans. BUT NO!!!! YOU SHALL NOT BE INFORMED IN ANY WAY!! YOU JUST STAY WHERE YOU ARE!

  • in the next couple of days.. ks and char took their time to hunt down rocker shirts.. but. NOTHING. OH MY GAWD. TIME WASTED.

many days past. and still no "work" done.

  • perhaps the only work done is to call seet teng's mom so she can help us in surprising this birthday girl.

  • and seet teng is still kept in the dark. supposedly. if she didnt OVERHEARD her mom REPEATING EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE SPOKE OVER THE PHONE. *laughs*

tuesday 8th july

  • seet teng tells that her polo friends have invited her for dinner on her birthday and asks if we had plans for outing with her. WE DENIED THE PRESENCE OF A PLAN FOR AN OUTING.

  • ks and i PANICS. HOW HOW HOW. ok i think we went abit overboard. BUT..

  • we borrowed her phone in the name of calling ks's brother and that i refuse to lend my phone to ks. we searched through her outbox for that polo person. AND TAH-DAH. number copied down and saved and the handphone immediately returned to seet teng to avoid suspicion which is.. errm. abit too late. haha.

  • ks sms-ed that polo girl and requested that she joins in the BIG FAT LIE. which she did. OH MY GAWD. I THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES though i don't even recognize or know who you are.

  • even when on the mrt with peixuan around, i tried to arouse some emotions and convince seet teng there is really no plan by acting EMO and all. i wonder if it helped. seet teng looked convinced. but i still wonder if she's ACTING as well as i did.

  • result: seet teng goes home and find that the polo dinner is unconfirmed. and "thinks" there's no clique outing. okay. birthday girl left at home. sad life. disappointing huh. NAAAH.

wednesday 9th july TODAY!!

  • i must be a genius as my subconscious mind tells me it's still the 8th. so it's not seet teng's birthday. IT'S STILL TOMORROW. haha. evidence from my math lecture notes. birthday girl was sharp to notice that the day written isnt her birthday. AND SHE UNDERLINED IT FOR ME. thanks arh.

  • this is especially ironic when i sms-ed her at 12am in the morning to "bless" her.

  • shoo-ed her out of the classroom the moment she got into class as i was still in the midst of editing the little note for her. haha. mean right. I DONT CARE. OH. and i came to realise how much i missed bio practicals WITHOUT SPAS. all the laughter and bullshit. how fun.

  • was it some coincidence or something? i was writing about thunder and lightning and TADAH. storm this morning. i remember this was what happened on my birthday last year. but i assumed it's RAIN BI blessing me (:

  • math paper gotten back today so not everyone was in the mood for a celebration except the birthday girl who.. erm. JUMPED AROUND after repeated attempts at ms wang.

  • okay. YAY. thank you seet teng and the gifted baker for the tiramisu cake. YUMMY. and the OVERLY EXPANDED carrot cake was quite some weight too. hah. and sorry for your pathetic birthday song. i promise you a loud one whenever you want it. OKAY.

  • went home with seet teng like the usual way we did it after assembly as ks rushed home for "family matters"... IF YOU WONDER WHERE JWONG AND CHAR ARE. errr. they were in the library printing materials while our innocent seet teng thought they already went back home. haha. the funny thing is.. their bags are still laid ON TOP of hers.. BLIND darling. THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD REDUCE CONSUMPTION OF MENTOS.

  • called seet teng's mom secretly the moment i got off my station. HAH. this is to ensure seet is not at home to overhear her mama. haha. WE ARE PRO AT THIS ALREADY MAN.

  • the original meeting time was 3.30 but we end up leaving the bus interchange like 1 hour 10 minutes late. hah. thanks to last minute change of decision on her present[clique one] and indecisiveness. MY LEGS WERE DYING from the UP-AND-DOWN walking in the shopping mall. AHHHHHHHHHHHH.

  • finally we reached seet teng's house at like 5 something pm. and because we had the thinking the seet teng knows everything but is pretending that she doesnt to keep us happy.. we decided to just face it.

  • "knock! knock! knock!" [char covers peep hole. all laughed]

  • [auntie opens door and her eyes sparkled like seet's.. ahh. now we know where the genes come from.] "AHHH. yall come already ah..."

  • "AH TENG!! your friends are at the door.. come! come!"

  • [absolute silence and seet teng was not in sight from the door]

  • "haha. you think i bluffing you arh. come! really, come!"

  • seet teng strolls to the door in blue singlet and shorts with amazement in her eyes[i still think she's faking it] and a pack of cadbury chocolates in her hands.

  • "surprise! surprise! surprise! surprise!"---cause got 4 person mah. and then we sung birthday song RIGHT AT HER FRONT DOOR. who cares about "face" at that point of time haha.

  • we took some photos. had some drinks. laughed with her mom. and got seet teng to wear what we bought. WOOTS. that shirt is nice. FINALLY MY TASTE/PREFERENCE HAS EARNED RECOGNITION FROM MY FRIENDS. WAHAHAHA.

  • i still feel guilty for robbing seet teng from her mom and dad. i mean. imagine your daughter birthday.. and you dont get to celebrate her birthday for her. let alone it's her eighteenth birthday and she your only child. and i still think her dad come home earlier than usual to celebrate her birthday. i could sense that tinge of disappointment when we told her mom we were bringing her out for dinner. IM SORRY.

  • ok so anyway, she got all dressed up. and WORE CONTACT LENSES LEH. HER EYES. MESMERISED ME ONCE MORE. haha. rocker. wheee. OFF WE WENT.

  • we took ages to decide where to eat.. seoul garden? breeks? din tai feng? swensen? char and i held hands until WE FINALLY LANDED OUR BUTTS IN FISH&CO. *phew* aye. what's wrong with holding hands hmmm?

  • dinner was a breeze as we chatted and realised that. CHARLENE WHO COULD TAKE 2 HOURS TO EAT A PLATE OF RICE ACTUALLY ATE FASTER THAN ALL OF US. IM AMAZED. play zhong ji mi ma and sabo-ed charlene into eating that high-salt-high-pepper-content vanilla ice cream. HAH.

  • we strolled back to takashimaya and sat by the stairs like some ah lians to complete our gossipings. AHHHH. how much more time do we have left to complain and "perv" at the people around us? oh by the way. IM NOT THE ONLY PERSON who looks around for good looking people on the train, KS JUST DID IT TODAY. HAHAHAHHA.

  • boarded the mrt with char and seet. the former dropped off a few stops early. and i wished she stayed on longer. cause i cannot help staring enviously at my pretty classmate. and she probably thinks im joking again. oh wells.

  • i'd like to thank your papa and mama. and you again (: you're the closest man.

生日快乐 worx.

many photos censored. sorry. XD

All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 10:30 PM

having an awesome youth day?

Monday, July 7, 2008

"im a bee~~"

OOO. what a youth day everyone as life turned out a pace too slow for me today.

i had to kill time watching some random soccer match and some retarded cooking variety show as my mom took her own sweet time, as usual, to come home for lunch. and by the time she turned that door lock open, i was asleep on the bed, again.

if i think im lucky or like fortunate.. this would be it.. a trip down to the we-didnt-expect-such-a-noisy-crowded IKEA @ tampines. YESH. finally a breath of air not from home, not from school and not from the mrt. well.. perhaps due to the unexpected swam of school children enjoying YOUTH day when they havent even reached puberty, *sighs*, i wasnt really enjoying my food. instead, i was thinking of ways to gag their mouths or like rope them up to the pillars so distractions could be reduced and peace restored.

i was still rather moody and doozy from the nap sleep at home and i know my mind is yearning for more since it wasnt given the appropriate dosage on saturday night---will tell you why later. and my eyes were still half-closed even as i neared the stench from the animal shelter. FINALLY my pupils dilated when some chihuahua landed its paws on my thighs and another dog sniffed up on me. -_-"

she purred satisfyingly as i stroked her fur that felt unusually soft for a cat that hasnt bathed in a month. i think. she was literally blowing bubbles from her nose but that didnt seem to bother her too much. we just needed to feel each other so much. i leaned my forehead over to tell her how much i loved her as she squins her eyes and lets out a soft reply, "meek."

and here comes the climax. she looks away at other cats like an empress like she was trying to boost how loved she was.. then she gives a 180 degree turn back to me and sneezed RIGHT IN ME FACE. TWO TIMES. great. im loved too.

sunday was a LOOOONG but fufilling day. imagine waking up at 6.30 am and out for breakfast by 7.30am. THIS IS CRAZY. and no wonder i still put on a zonked face 4 hours after washing up. hah. OUTING AT LIM CHU KANG. was indeed.. a place people usually dont go because of its rather isolated location. besided visiting a few vegetable plots and gawing at huge ancient fishes kept in huge tanks like pets *shivers* and freaking out at the sight of uncountless of millipedes under your soles... having your feet being enjoyed at by hungry skin-eating fishes was yet another UNIQUE HIGH-FREQUENCY experience.. both for me and the people around me. AHH. if you get what high frequency mean that is.. never mind the volume cause it's like EXPECTED.

photos next time (:

[3 days later..] ok now.

veggies. not tea plantation or bushes.

you're there if you say it's a cactus. to be precise.. a young dragon fruit.

the soon-to-be-mature dragon fruit.

comparative sizes. nope. it's not a winter melon. it's a HU LU WITHOUT A WAIST. haha.

the SUN-facing-FLOWER.

All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 10:25 PM

Saturday, July 5, 2008


只要你一笑 我就又都不介意
你对我任性 我竟然还觉得 荣幸
不在乎爱情 会是自由的天敌
根本已经为你 失去我平常的冷静
虽然我还不擅长幸福 这种东西
可是我真的很想 把所有你要的都放在你的手心
爱像地心引力 无法抗拒
一寸一寸深深的 被你吸引
心碎也没关系 等待也都愿意
人群之中 我却能看见你
爱像地心引力 没有空隙
一天一天不见你 也在想你
我在你的眼里 重新认识自己
在你面前原来 微笑那么容易
原来我愿意为等一个人 淋雨
是你唤醒了我 自己都不懂的深情
虽然我还不擅长幸福 这种东西
把所有你要的 都放在你的手心..


寄 没有地址的信
这样的情绪 有种距离
你 放着谁的歌曲
能不能说给 我听
雨 下得好安静
是不是你 偷偷在哭泣
幸福 真的不容易
在你的背景 有我爱你
我可以 陪你去看星星
我就要和你 在一起
我不想 又再一次和你 分离
我多么想每一次的美丽 是因为你


难以忘记初 次见你
一双迷人的 眼睛
在我脑海里 你的身影 挥散不去
真的有点 透不过气
你的天真 我想珍惜
看到你受委屈 我会伤心
爱你也需要很大的 勇气
爱上你 是我情非得已
什么原因 我竟然又会遇见你
我真的 真的不愿意 就这样陷入爱的陷阱...




All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 4:23 PM

she’s not here, she’s not there.
and she neither stays nor does she hide


. amy . anges .
. cheryl-lin . choomeijing . 大東 .
. FREERICE . fyon-gwon . gohtian .
. HUAHUI-SNGS . jan-leong . joelle-tan .
. jolyn-loh . kevin . LIONDANCE .
. ng-huiyi . niketa . ongjeannie .
. peixuan . RAIN-MULTIPLY . where-is-her-blog .
. seet . she-coined-the-term-WNN . syah .
. vera . waihan . weihan .

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