hmmm. i don't know what's wrong with my blog that it started to allow me to type underline.. OH WELLS. I DONT CARE. but i kinda care about the colour... WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED? blogger just screwed up on me. it's ok.. it's not the first time either. i mean.. how many of you actually got denied entry by your own blog? i did.
my day started late and i kinda woke up at 10.30am. learning from past experience, telling my mom about this activity once is never enough. i've just gotta remind her about it. and well.. like the night before, i felt guilty for not being there for her when she needs me. to my surprise, she didnt give a disappointed face..[or maybe it's just me that i didnt notice it.] instead she encouraged me.. quotes " you should make use of your student card before you have to pay the full price.. go la." HAHA. I TOTALLY AGREE.

imagining pragmatically... you dont stay very near work place but not very far either.. but it costs about $1.80just to get there.. so it's a minimal $3.60 off your ez-link card. and unless you intend to be a hermit and pack your own food to work,, you'll probably spend more on transport to go for lunch with your colleagues. SO. let's just standardise that you spend $4.oo a day on transport.. tadah! that means $20 gone in a 5-day-work-week.. BUT WHO THE HELL WOULD STAY AT HOME EVERY WEEKEND? $20 in a week means $80 in a month. SIAO. and apart from paying so much for a PUBLIC MADE PRIVATE transport, you've gotta bear with the heat while waiting for them, the tight packing situations and sometimes even noise that you don't wanna hear. NO WONDER THERE'S ABOUT 6 MILLION CARS IN A 4 MILLION STRONG SINGAPORE but there's only 2-3 million in hong kong which has like 6 million people. ADMIT IT. WE NEED A COST-EFFICIENT AND TIME-EFFICIENT TRANSPORT SYSTEM. not some tv on them to ruin our eyes[remember those days when we took health education.. they always say it's bad to read on the bus/move.. what more it's TV this time]

alright, i just unknowingly typed out a whole chunk of complains.
back to the topic of CLASS OUTING.

i wasnt feeling well when i met seet on the mrt and that probably explains my "sian" look most of the time during the day. we soon met renu and lingered around for more to come.. i guess we only reached sentosa at 3.30pm. haha.

OH BTW, a point to note.. i didn't plan the outing la. it's JOHNNIE MOK. i just assisted him. so that explains why he owes me $30 for consultation fees. HAHAHA. just look at his uneasy face..

AND IM SO SORRY KS. can i do anything for you? i miss our last outing like that (:

we quickly settled down under some tree where some woman was resting.. and jh's "AWESOME" frisbee skills almost killed her. whilst me and seet headed to change, the rest when to play volleyball.. haha. it was nice to take an occassional dip in the sea.. EXCEPT for UNKNOWN organisms floating around and below us.... EEEEEEKKKS. oh wells. then again. what do you expect.. it's a SEA. NOT A SWIMMING POOL.

there was also some grid girls FOR SHOW compeition where there are NO SUPPORTERS NO AMBIENCE NO HOT GUYS... you only get to see cameras focusing down at certain areas on the girls as they race around in RED bikinis.. KYM NG i think was hosting the show.. she really cannot run... and her bra strap... it's not that i wanna take extra notice at it,, but.. i saw her at some "educational" show about wearing bras and when to reveal and when to not reveal bra straps... so i wonder if that forum helped her abit.,

back to OUR CLASS OUTING it was then captain's ball.. frisbee.. and what else can you play. OH. only john and jh got in.. it was kinda pointless that you bring extra clothes but dont go in huh. *hints damn sharply*
we took quite some time to wash up before which sya, lingxi and yh left early. HMM. it's was a lot of comedy in the girl's toilet.. HAHA. no details shall be revealed. arh. any advise how to not look auntie? DAMNIT paul. you just reminded me of someone.
jolyn and paul then left the moment we reached vivo... and YES. IT'S DINNER.. at food REPU blic [ isnt it? the light were brighter on the last 3 alphabets. LOL.] my dinner called THUNDER TEA RICE was damn healthy la.. and the soup.. EWWW. imba vanessa just slurped out the entire bowl of weird tasting green potion.
xuxin and shuhan then left soon after and the rest headed to GAWD KNOWS WHERE cause me seet renu just headed straight down for candy empire for fear it closes it 9pm...[that's one of the few occasions of the day i took note of the time..]. then it was back to vivo rooftop. where we found outrselves hooked on to the basketball machine.. AIYO. aiming cannot make it le. *shakes head*

after interacting at the BONDING-FRIENDLY vivo rooftop, where jh showed off his amazing skills at singing... WAHAHAHAH... it's LATE. about 9.30? i was kinda praying for renu since she had to leave.. hmmm. but.. i guess it's worth sacrificing for such situations once in a while.. time really passes.. IM TOTALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO CHALET NOW. *HINTS CHAO LOUDLY*
the mrt ride with renu seet vanessa was hilarious and crazy.. imagine taking photos of your reflection over people's head. HAHAHA. i hope they weren't offended though.. which they shouldnt. i know see how vanessa oogles over cute looking guys and waters and hot bodies.. she even wriggles LITERALLY on the spot when she imagines them. HAHA!!!!!! it's a far fact from the initial impression i had of her.
LB was spotted as we changed the train.. haha.. CONGRATS to the person interested. AHAHAHA.

oh.. i was looking through the photos and realised that most of the photos.. or rather,, john is appearing in the photos at a high frequency. HAHA. i kinda put the cute pose john did on facebook[i put it friends only.. so like people not my friend cannot view it.. OKAY JOHN? does it give you a piece of mind now?] with his BIG-WIDE-ADORABLE-PINCH-TEMPTING SMILE below.
last few points to note... now that suddenly i realised i could type normally... IDIOT. GET WELL SOON MEL MEL and err.. xuxin. take care of your stomach AND STOP BEING SO STUBBORN for spicy food. *sighs.