Saturday, May 31, 2008
sorry. i guess i wasnt in the mood to talk much today. more of the feel for GSS and MORE GSS. it's probably from yesterday..
ks was questioning why i told my family about H7. she reasoned out herself that.. quotes ks: "you have overhang from thursday is it?" AHHH. yar. she ingeniously put her bio into use.. however, it's 3' overhang of the telomere!!! NOT ALCOHOL. it's HANGOVER dear. lol.
jane probably thinks i lied to him about ks... which is not.. just that i was only attempting to find her when i wanted to. he should seriously start wearing shoes and longer shorts and bringing foolscap paper. no. stop asking if it's getting on my nerves. you will know when it does. and stop going around telling people how you like TALL challenges. im fine for shorter people, but i dont like the way some things are being spread around. and im sorry for being so straight forward.
i probably kinda got bothered when i see how people treat each other differently. between a man and a woman, between the old and the young, between the different races. this sucks. it leads me to thinking why our class, though seemingly insignificant, often tends to leave out the minority. im really working on an outing for them. i wonder it our CTs could help and.. be more sensitive in such stuff. even if we all know it's just a joke, it hurts too. we never knew, because they hardly say. and i don't think this is what they should be accepting for life. yepps.
on a happier mood, i was attempting to convince my mom that getting a 3-inch heels. PREFERABLY stilletos. this attempt was levelled up when my mom told me she wore 4-inch for her wedding. she gave that "oh. nice try" kinda look when i told her of my plans to get one. the next thing she did was to show me shoes of 1 inche and below. i could see how desperate she was is dissuading me from getting one.... i'll promise a no to the nose piercing provided i get those heels. OOOOO. im must be outta my mind. who says tall people cannot wear heels? HMMMM?
i also found out that flexibility could be inherited too. i just saw my mom benting down when her legs straight to touch her heels.. and then doing a though not perfect.. but still a 150 degree split. WALA.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 9:43 PM
Sunday, May 25, 2008
i felt like a prostitute today. and what makes matter worse is that i was wearing the WRONG OUTFIT at the WRONG LOCATION. *sighs.
i saw LOADS of hot bodies today WAHAHHA. IM DAMN HAPPY.. *bliss* took photo with him!!! YAY! haha im damn bimbotic now. LALALAL. but i dont care.
went to "no signboard" for dinner. and as usual, i didnt eat crabs. i don't like crabs. my brother pointed out that RAIN is KOREAN. and KOREA is rich is SEAFOOD. then am i going to refuse RAIN if one day he invites me to eat crabs? I WILL EAT ANYTHING IN THE NAME OF RAIN. haha. that is if..... oh wells. *bliss*
and im totally dead. now my whole family knows of his existence. and it all came about from the slip of the tongue... that "the guy i like is NOT from my class" ah.. yar.. and i think i was drunk without the influence the alcohol and i blabbered EVERY SINGLE DETAIL out. GREAT. i kinda MADE THINGS WORSE when i rebutted "dont you dare to touch him" when my brothers said they'll use physical means and torture to make him be mine. OH MANNNN. DIE.
jh.. i guess this will make your day. for a moment when my da sao glanced at the class guys valentine's photo. she said you were the best looking guy in class...
[btw. don't take my words to heart la.]
rest. this will make your day further.. she turned to agree with me with i showed her the OTHER photos. haha.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 11:22 PM
fact: i just drank again. but it's red wine this time (:
it was school as per normal and hardly anyone was in the mood since many of us screwed up gp common test on wed. haha. HOW NICE. because of the expected busy schedule later in the day [shiprocked], me and sweet were rather in a rush to get ethanol something individual. oh wells. im great. i saved the photos in the wrong file and it ends up that it was a wasted trip. *sighs.
met up sweet at errr.. 1745 at the mrt.. haha. i was like PRAYING i was invisible on my way to the mrt.. and CONSOLING myself that all the stares along the way is gonna be over once i reach the mrt station.. ALAS! i met up sweet in the last cabin who was LITERALLY hiding in a corner. haha. expected lar. since a dress has never been a comfortable outfit for the both of us. HAHA.
hotlips was late as usual but glucose was later. AND HOTTER. *sizzles. HAHAHAH. we were all awed out by each other. like how bold she wore and how gorgeous she is. blah blah blah.. HOWEVER, we were thoroughly disappointed by swan.. *sighs. i was looking forward to her wearing something PRETTIER--well at least she didnt wore jeans in the end. sweet and me came to the conclusion that swan is blind too! HAHA. and indeed, swan's friend is just as skinny.. im abit of.."are you sure they're not twins?!"
my legs didnt die but blisters were definitely formed from the long walk to find butter factory. err.. as for those in heels.. you know. I WANT TO COMPLAIN: SWEET WALKING VERY CHOR LOR! and i didnt said she walked like she just given birth.. i said.. SHE WALKED LIKE SHE'S HAVING CHILD LABOUR. like can you imagine a CHIOBU dressed up, but yet spaces her legs widely when standing and placing one hand on her waist and the other holding a disposable plate? how glam could that be...
swan remained faithful beside her friend ensuring that her friend is not left out. but perhaps that's also the reason why we didnt stay very close that night. in the mean time, hotlips and glucose drifted their souls to gawd-knows-where..
as mentioned, shiprocked isnt fun. at least to me i guess? i mean, besides the fact that they made us waited damn long before the perfomance started.. we had to suffer from all the tunings the bands had to make before each performance. so. oh wells. forget it, we decided to head off to the REAL clubs and bidded swan and her friend see-you-later which didnt happen.
WHY. i finally got the taste of the tinch of fun of being older.. im only 6 months behind the age limit and still im denied entry. and im quite such i totally lost my face to that security. i wondered how many times he looked up at me and down at my student pass to come to the realisation how hideous that photo was. RAWR. sweet was smart enough to hold on to her card to check if i, being the youngest, could get in in the first place. RAWR.
and so i whined. but thanks to hotlips who held on to my hand and assured me [and made me feel like her boyfriend] the severity was very much reduced. we finally got to rest our feet at the Forbbiden City.. hmm. i guess we looked old enough and were led to the bar. OOOH. i love the ambience and the couch. the only 2 problem were: THE LIGHTS WERE SO DIM.. they might as well have it switched off. so how can they expect me to READ THE MENU?! i had to crouch down to the "common candle" placed on the table.. *sighs. so the 2nd problem was that they were playing songs that could never be understood. they should really playing so pop chinese songs *smirks.
apparently and according to hotlips, glucose and sweet.. i drank TOO FAST, TOO MUCH. and i didnt even realise it myself. hmm. besides reeking of the smell of alcohol, i was also TALKING TOO MUCH, with TOO LITTLE BRAIN. so oh shit. i didnt a couple of serious mistakes i shouldnt be doing.
SORRY GLUCOSE. i didnt realise that your dad wasnt supposed to know that we drank. and i guess the reason why i spoke soooo much was that i was trying to keep awake and reduce awkward situations? oh wells. SORRY. and also, really
thankews for the ride to bishan . SO PAISEH DARLING.
SORRY SWEET. thanks for reminding me DIRECTLY that i should control my speaking and NOT tell the latter details to anyone on ur car. i mean, you already said I WAS DRUNK. so how can i still figure out what you were trying to say when you asked if i wanted to eat sweets? lol. and RIGHT. i feel utterly owed to your parents for the countless rides they "showered on" me. and yes, you too. and this makes me even more guilty when i promised your family a cake in appreciation. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. so now the decision is either that i go learn to bake cake or that i get you fruits/chocolates? i bet you'll choose the latter. HAHA.
to all. please ensure that i drank appropriately in the future. and TELL ME RIGHT IN THE FACE WHAT NOT TO SAY. i am so malu now. by the way, white russian's nice. *slurps.
i was grossly tired out. but naah. no hangover, i wasnt drunk to that extent. oh, so were my buddies haha. all so dead and walking at snail speed. i can't really recall what esle happened. OOOH. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELEANOR. alright. EARLY birthday too. oh yes. my mom pinched me for drinking on thursday.. and warned me of the bad guys who target "little girls" like me. -_-" alright. i get her point still. no more drinking until like that.
jianhui is starting to get on my nerves. AND STOP PULLING MY SHIRT. AND KEEP THAT BITCH WORD FOR YOURSELF. but anyway, relax, im not pissed at you. i think.
out for lunch at... once again... junction 8. after gp remedial duh. AND I DIDNT SEE SWAN TODAY T_T. ate... din tai feng.. which kinda reminds me of my pw lunch/dinner--when's it? then had desserts.. damn full. but satisfying. YAY! i also bought my socks. FINALLY.
dad came up quirkily early today so we went out for dinner too!!! WHAT A NICE SATURDAY!! and im in a good mood. HEH. just that..
dinner at HAN's and then somehow, my dad said he wanted to go T3.. which i really thought he was joking.. and so.. we were there from like 10pm-11.30pm. HAHA. what a rare outing. AND THERE'S CANDY EMPIRE THERE. WALA~.
a point to note: we walked past some eateries and there were 2 girls mugging. my dad just walked up straight IN FRONT of them and stared down at their papers. obviously, the girls stared back with dropped jaws.. and they continue to do so as my dad turned and walked away as if nothing had happened. sorry dude. i think my dad had turned into a WEIRD PEI PEI over the years. i dont think the condition's any better on my mom. *sighs.
hmm. r project tomorrow. and i had a hard time deciding what to wear... and an even harder time when jh told me it's FORMAL. WTH. so when i finally pieced my outfit together, my sister commented that i looked like a clubber... THANKS. ahhhh. great. i totally looking forward to choosing what to wear again tomorrow morning.
AH TENG ARH!! IM SURE YOU PUT OUR VIDEOSON YOUTUBE. WTH WTH WTH. you die. im gonna mass email your pictures and HOT LEGS if you give anyone the links. RAWR.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 12:50 AM
Friday, May 23, 2008
shiprock ain to my expectations and that exciting and enjoyable.
it ends up that i had a cup too many at forbidden city and even my sister could smell alcohol. that bad meh?
im kinda drowsy now. hmm. some other time dude. i'll talk more about
today yesterday. (:
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 12:17 AM
a momentarily laughter for you.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
here's some long over due conversation between me and a guy who turned bimbo. HAHA. i shant say who..... LOL
so here's the scenario: warm night due to the dry spells. 2 bored souls.
faint bimbo evidence no.1:
i think the time pple usually initiate convo with u in when u'r at ur buziest or when u'r goin off to bed or sth haha
i know la
i know why
ok nvm lol
evaluation: bimbo showing "bimself" to be indecisive and typing repetitively and talking to "bimself"
bimbo evidence no.2:
when do think rain is ever gonna come
as in
the singer?
or the weather
both haha
no wait
is the weather..
if the person came... it'll b hotter. haha
but then agn.. his sleek moves will make me forget the "sufferin" haha
evaluation: bimbo showing jealousy. and repeition is his words.
haha u sound BIMBO agn
wdv wdv wdv
evaluation: bimbo trying to show arrogance by pretending to be ignorant. use of repetition again. shows emphasis that he's indeed a bimbo.
evidence no. 3:
u nv know
who could be ur husband
it could be me
*NODS HEAD VIGOROUSLY and continues to puke
evaluation: over usage of caps and drags alike to whining shows traits of "bimbo-tism"
WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. i shall not mention who. but i thought i might be an easy guess for yall . (:
*addition to last entry: loads of thanks to shuning too. for being my most trusted right winger (:
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 12:10 AM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

today. marks the end of bio SPA. which is really good news.
no idea why i did that. fun?

however, it also marks the end of my soccer "career" in JC. and that means no more balls to kick. no more laughter on the field. my soccer mates and i were rather down at the thought of it. and it's like immediately after the finals ended. ):
women in white. SIAO ARH

[retarded as we sometimes are. a few of us formed the COLDSOCKS. err. some sort of band set up to perform during passing out. AND THAT INCLUDES ME. ]
we prayed that the mirror wasnt a see-through from the inside.

oh wells. we won MJC. but it wasnt a good fight though. and i wasnt playing at my best. then again, it's all too late to regret and stuff. you may ask what's there to regret about? uhh. true. im just feeling the sense os guilt that i could always be playing better. OH WELLS. my mind's still stuck at how VJC won SAJC. it was really a memorable game. they had a draw of 1-1 and even an extra 10minutes of game play only proved itself to be pointless. that's it. penalty kicks. one by one. all of them went in. [and somehow mr man wasnt in the right state of mind. he made weird ambulance-like hollers whenever each player kicked the ball] it was a really tough fight. anyone who misses the ball would have felt so devastated. aiya. admit it. there's always a loser for somebody to win. so i'll just pray that the girl doesnt place all the blame on herself. or else, why the term soccer TEAM?
this explains why we prayed so hard. NB: we wore RAFFLES JERSEY.

oh yea. BIG HEART THANKEWS to ALL who supported the team. (: especially for coming down despite having known the bus had been diverted to some other compeitions. we love yall loads. hmm. maybe i shall try to mention a few here. WEIXIAN thank you for coming down for almost every game since our season started. you've really been one great supporter. JOLYN JIANHUI for coming down for the last 2 games. RENU PEIXUAN SYAHIRAN JOHN WAIHAN SAMUEL for being so ever enthu. oh yes nunu... thanks for all the lending of notes for copying (: and the advice you give. ohhh yess. SWAN!!! haha okok. the MOST sacrificial person la... fine. haha. i love you all.
i found this HUGE poster outside somerset MRT station. hmm.

special thanks to fizzah who've been ever so tolerant of my whining. seriously. haha. i assure you that you'll miss it. and like DUH. MY TWINNIE CUPCAKE GLORIA!! hah. so glad to have you back on the field. and you still played so well despite not touching the ball for like how long? yeps. all the different kinds of support and encourage we give each other on and off the field was indeed awesome and morale-boosting.
blurred. but i love her (:

so anyway, it really feels like friday today.. not doing homework, out for DINNER with soccermates IN TOWN. and blogging near the wee of the hours. only if we were given permission to miss 1 hour of school in the morning tomorrow. in addition. i started this camwhoring thing which i didnt know would amuse my soccermates that much... probably the pictures in this entire entry explains it all.
camwhoring sesson in the toilet. not the first and wont be the last. i hope.
oh yeah. sweet couldnt come because she had a friendly against ri boys. i bet it was cancelled. *sighs. oh wells. thank you sweet for controlling the volume, length and intensity of my whining. trust me. you havent heard but my soccer darling heard. haha. oh wells. CTs coming. you've gotta bear with me. and it's jiayous for you now (:
i need help. im going to grow. ALOT. horizontally. with bingeing from the muggings. DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
more pictures to come. i hope they send it heh.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 10:43 PM
just a piece of appreciation
Friday, May 2, 2008
thank you my darlings 08SO3I!!! hah. especially caramel for choosing RED. wahah. im really happy to have receieved all your well-wishes and encouragement. (: it really helps in spurring me up for the next match. i will read it again before each match in the future (:
and what's with me and "ronaldo"?! OH MY GAWD. the REAL RON has HOT BOD and nice facial features hahahha. but im still stuck with rain. i insist on being a faithful mrs rain.
thankew soccer peeps for all the emails you've all been sending out to the team. it really touches me.
"Like Germs said, the mentality we carry before we even start a game is extremely important. So keep believing that like SA's match, we'll definitely put up a stronger fight against VJ! I hope every tear shed ytd was not because we lost, but because we knew how close we were to turning the tables around, that made it seem a pity. In any case, let's rmb,
a good team is one which knows how to pick itself up from any form of failure, and come back EVEN STRONGER THAN EVER. I'm sure we've what it takes, proven by ytd's close fight with last yr's champs. Keep having faith, keep praying. All the way girls- we know we want it, and we'll do our very best to get it. NO REGRETS......
and i believe all of us will really miss playing tgt as a team aft this! rmb to meet up to play soccer even aft we graduate, till we're all old and toothless k! :D:D"
lol. i love this girl. and of course i love the entire soccer girls team of 2008. how come i never felt like that in 2007 hmm? hah. maybe cause i havent put in so much effort and passion into it because i was still stuck in between soccer and lion dance. just like the way chendol LOVES liondance (: , i
think am passionate for soccer. FEEL ME BURNING. haha--- so drama i know.
hmmm. this website has something to show.
"The Saints showed why they deserved the championship trophy last year with an impressive attacking game but there is definitely something to be said for RJC’s fighting spirit."
hell yeah.
i know my skills and knowledge of playing soccer still aint there. but i will. i WILL do you all proud and play my best. i will NOT drag the team down. I WILL DO YOU PROUD GIRLS!
*hmmm. im so in to raffles now. what about st nicks? naah. no worries. i love st nicks too. "once an IJ girl, always an IJ girl."*
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 11:49 PM