disappointed but i(we) must stay strong
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
this is what someone sent out yesterday..
"We might not be better than them in terms of skills,but we'll beat them in heart, in passion, in determination.
We'll play as a team and that's more than what any individual can give.
And think about it this way.
SAJC has 11 players.
We have 11 too.
And they're only humans like us.
So there's NOTHING to be scared of!
And we can win tomorrow.
And we're gonna win tomorrow.
And we're going to win the semis.And we're going to the finals.
Because,we want to be champs this year. "
although i read this message a day too late.. we shared the same thought. i thought we would win. but we didnt. some became quiet, some cried. it seemed all our efforts and determination were not enough to beat SAJC. all the teachers there comforted us. and they mentioned a very important point. at least we played our best. and even though we lost, we all know that this was the most satisfying game we played. so what we won the other games? it didnt force the true Rafflesian spirit until today[and at least i felt that i performed my best this match].
to add on, indeed. i guess there are times we need to lose to fully understand what winning is. nobody never loses. so treat that as another wake up call and move on.
thank you coach, our teachers, our juniors and supporters for screaming your lungs out at each match and believing in us, giving us encouragement at each setback and finding ways and means to meet the demands of thirsty school team players.
and at the end of the email this someone added on.
"Even if we dont achieve the desired result against SA tmr,
we are STILL in the semis.
we are STILL in this competition.
And whether we beat SA or not tmr,
we STILL have to make sure,
we beat whichever team we meet in the semis.
That doesn't change.
i really love you guys a lot.
where can i ever find such a combination of funky people ever again once season end?
OH YES. CUPCAKE'S BACK PLAYING IN THE TEAM! HURRAY!!!! she's gonna bring the team standard a level higher once she takes over my position..eh no. is. she returns to her position in the field (: GO GO CUPCAKE/TWIN. er herm! we better start preparing a well-wished card for her too!
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 8:49 PM
bad. desperate. mad. upset.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
soccer match on saturday was almost a killer. and it was only against HCJC.. yes.. though we did won, it was a really tough fight. most attributed it to our team not being in the best shape for that game.. considering these factors:
- our pro tackling winger became a benchwarmer because she sprained her leg at the last game.
- we had TRAINING on friday.. not very tough.. but enough to let us feel the sores.
- it drizzled then sun-ed. and then the wind blew. it was cold and hot.. terrible. i almost shivered. literally. in fact i was TOTALLY wet at the end of the match.
- my toe was swollen.. or maybe i should put it as MY TOENAIL IS DROPPING AGAIN.--this is a rather huge hint to EVERYONE that they should STOP STEPPING ON MY FEET. OR MY SHIN.--like oh my gawd.. look at all the blue-blacks on my legs..
- it was my 3rd third day or so with the flu. i vividly recall that i woke up to a bad headache from the blocked nose and even blew yellow mucous. ewww. bad. but anyway i still played the full game by restraining the symptoms with 2 panadols.
- mr man made us warm up longer than usual. though it really ensured that no one cramped like they did the last game.. it seem to have proven to exhaust us abit.
im so pissed because i knew i could have done better. but what was stopping me from performing as well as the first match? is it the drizzle? is it the sun? is it the breathless-ness or is it just me? i missed so many potential tacklings and almost got a yellow card. so many reckless foul throw-ins and that stupid mistake of recieving the goalkick inside the penalty box. this sucks. totally. i desperately need to get well soon and prove to myself that that wasnt me. i am very angry with that person who couldnt focus herself on the field... SHUT UP.
*coughs. *ouch* my stomach hurts. and i don't know why. and i vomited my lunch out soon after when my tummy became cold.. mummy says it's gastric flu. hmmm. never gotten that before. what's that? anyway, it better be negative man.. there's a match tomorrow against SRJC. that idiotic postponed match from last saturday. then one day rest and wednesday's match again against SAJC the even more pro team than HCJC. our coach even mentioned that even EPL don't get as tight as a schedule as us,i.e. THREE MATCHES IN A WEEK. sat-mon-wed DIEEEEEEE choi la. is.. JIA YOUs.
chem lecture test tomorrow and i don't think im prepared for it and neither do i show traits that i care. saturday was a killer when i had to rush back to school for GP remedial at 11am when my match ends at 10am at VJC which is at EAST COAST. my TIC just refuses to give me an excuse letter.. and i must have been really blur..
SHE: you have remedial in school right?
me: *nods
SHE: then are you going back now? *she turns around her picks her stuff up and looks back at me*
doesnt that senario make you think that she's gonna be a kind soul and give me a ride back to school? NO WAY. SHE TOOK THE SCHOOL BUS THERE WITH US. DAMN IT. things proved a little better with my optimism[at my best] when i realised there was j1s going back too and there was a direct bus. HENG ARH.
alright. thanks for the "jiayous". you all too. and hopefully you arent sick or in the process of one. and don't be like me.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 10:09 PM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
my resilience is being stretched:
Biology SPA skill A mock in the morning. i was desperately trying to remember to format and stuff. but now thinking back, it's just a mock.. so kan chiong for what hmm? [now the other side of me says..] it's a good practice for people like you who have never completed the entire worksheet before. TRUE. i wonder how am i going to survive the actual SPA on the 7th May.. which so happens to clash with the semi-finals.. [we havent played that far yet.. but it's good to assume (: ]
I SAW PI SQ TODAY AFTER SCHOOL. thanks to fizzah who helped me spot him *grins* but the conversation with H7 was still. BETTAR. WHHHEEEEEEE. but that poor chap got injured. *sighs. and i wonder if he likes to run like someone who indirectly admitted it himself on the tagboard. im kinda sure he's not the only one. HAHA.
now im also need [and being] stretched physically:
match with NYJC was impressive. that really boost our confidence that our team is NOT BAD SIA. in the mean time, mr man says we better stretch on our way home.. before we sleep.. yea. after having so many time lapse due to PEOPLE [ both teams.. just that ours > theirs] having cramps in their calves... quotes an opponent: "AGAIN....."
alright. STRETCH. there's still econs test tomorrow and im totally not in the mood to study. AND IM PRAYING THAT IM NOT FALLING SICK when my season just started. all thanks to my buddy.. *sighs.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 6:39 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
when i thought the soot from incomplete combustion and the size of the luminous flame was a sign that the feeling was going to die... "the spark burst into flame" WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... IM SO HAPPY!!!
who cares if im going to sound like a bimbo, who cares if i became a noob when i tried to pull the magnet door without pressing the switch button.. who cares if i look retarded smiling at myself in bliss, who cares if i started to walk anywhere but in straight lines and even with left hand and leg simultaneously.. who cares if i laughed too much, who cares who the hell jerald sun[?!] is [well unless he's REALLY attractive. but wait. stay stay.] and who cares if pisq is attached...
alright. off with the bimbotic crap. im sorry for being so shit in the morning. the only explanation i have is that im being overly sensitive and so i became unhappy.. or that tire had worn me out.. or that all these shit is caused by pms-ing. ARGH. well.. now you know who made my day.
NAPFA 2.4KM TOMORROW!! oh my tian. and im still aching from the 5 items. *wonders how is that possible when i have training... die. my fitness level's dropped. and the first match this saturday!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. im just hoping to run below 14minutes. a bit too slack for a sports person. but oh wells. WHO LIKES RUNNING. ok. maybe a few exceptions.. SHALL NOT MENTION WHO.
hotlips is right all along. have an eye-candy in school, and your school life will be much colourful and happier. the sight of that person will itch you up. but like duh. wouldnt it be nicer to have a lil crush?
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 11:15 PM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
my mama bought a papaya. and there was a baby papaya within the papaya. OH MY GAWD. IM TOTALLY GROSSED OUT.

kinda outdated. but. KAIBIN'S BIRTHDAY AT GLASS HOUSE.

the weekend's passing by really quickly. i think we should give it a speeding ticket.. and even a fine for being a road hogger when it's too slow. HAHA.
thursday was a awfully unlucky day. and it wasnt even friday the 13th.
- played class basketball and someone stepped on my nail-less toe. YOUCH!
- dropped my bottle at bishan mrt station and the cap skidded down the rail...
- a HUGE puddle of water was left in front of the escalator where i dropped it. and im left was the MOST EMBARRASING MOMENT.
- the trauma left me placing my hand on the mrt door for some support. which is unfortunately OILY LIKE SHIT.
- i unconsciously cleaned my hand everywhere on the mrt--in and out-- that left my hand from shiningly oily to dustily black. WTH.
friday was an awfully painful day from thursday.
- my toe still hurt. in fact it bled a little.
- i had a new red metallic bottle.. WHICH GOT A DENT ON IT'S VERY FIRST DAY. [i should never attack seet with my water bottle around ever.]
- soccer training wasnt tough. but tough enough on my toe.
- flying insects attracted by the floodlights flew into my shirt, eye and nose. im not sure if i swallowed any.
saturday was an exhausting day.
- woke up at 6am just for ORA which is earlier than usual. why am i torturing myself?
- ate loads. BAD. 2 person already say i should cut down. AIM: lose( 9-4+9-7)-7-3+7+0-1+3-4+3+8-5......... by this month. [this numerical figure is not to be known]
- went queensway after gp remedial. THANKEW SWAN AND SWEET. though i felt i more of wasted your time. sry:/
- slept at 10.30pm. told you i was tired.
- going to see my cats. ate.... OK. IM GOING TO VIEW FOOD AS MONSTER.
- and im still not intending to tell JANE who i like. anyway, i guess i should just give him up.
- sleep..............................
- seasons coming! JIAYOUS.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 3:25 PM
Saturday, April 5, 2008
i think my assumption ain assumption.
i should just stop dreaming of him. NOW.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 10:18 PM
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
monday we had soccer friendly against Singapore Polytechnic. late referee. referee kayu. cupcake got injured ):
tuesday kebab's birthday. morning swim with sweet. lunch with sweet, glucose, zazu at crystal jade. kbox with swan without glucose. fish & co. at night at glass house. FUN.
i can't believe my face got burnt but my body didnt. ARGH.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 9:44 PM