i basically only remembered: 1]having a mere 6 people attending soccer PT. and 2 were late. -_-" 2]the sun was so strong that i almost had a sunburn. 3]vera was very enthu over PT which defines her as SIAO ARH. 4]very little running. 5]the entire team.. fine. that mere six soccer-ers were all busy guessing what the school was building beside the track. is it another RI clock? is it an adventure obstacle? FOR ODAC?! will we be the pioneers for using it? is that going to be a treehouse? A LIGHTHOUSE?! guardhouse?! haha. whatever. 6]i actually FORGOT TO BRING MY WATER BOTTLE. oh yes. i must talk about this.
i walked all the way from the canteen to the specstand to put my stuff before going back for 7-11 to bring PLAIN water. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? the price of the cheapest[if i didnt remember wrongly..] bottle was $1.30!!!!!!!! the same cost of that of coke from the vending machine at the canteen. RAWR. considering opportunity costs, i decided to get coke. and it was only after i bought my coke and so happened to squat down to tie my laces THAT I REALISED THE VENDING MACHINE SELLS PLAIN WATER TOO!!!!! i felt like using the vending machine as a target for my soccer ball. RAWR. yea. and so when i thought drinking WARM coke it bad enough[remember? THE SUN WAS LIKE THIRTY DEGREES OF ANGLE OF ELEVATION.]... the feeling to burp out that carbon dioxide each time you complete a section of the set wasso uncomfortable. RAWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. so hereby. i would like to thank vera and weixian for their offer to let me drink from their water bottles. HEH. MUCH BETTER AFTER THAT.
was totally expecting someone coming to fetch me from school after i bathed..BUT NO. IM WRONG. NO ONE DID. so i kind of only arrived home at 9.30pm---one whole hour later than if someone offer to pick me up. HMPH. i was immediately rushed to pack my stuff to prepare for my first stayover at the new house... which was.. err. quite tiring after PT.. i had to first wash my clothes because there would be a DECENT place for me to hang it up at our new flat. there is space la. but we can't just hang them up and SHOW our 20++ guests RIGHT. displaying in front of them equates to showing the WHOLE world. left my soccer boots and stuff and home.. brought some clothings.. and my PILLOW all up to the new house. not to forget my homework which i havent touched it since. HMMMM. reason? TOO BUSY.
random: goh just told me the lion dance coach just bought a new lion head for the female pair. LOL. and it's REALLY PINK. HOT PINK. WTHWTHWTHWTH. how many times must i say i don't like pink. aiyoooo. ok. it's time to LEARN TO LIKE PINK. caramel. don't you just totally agree with me. here's how it looks like:
4th december 2007, tuesday:
was made to go to bed at about 1.30am because the new house felt like a chalet. and then i thought of all the fun things we did at the recent class chalet. too bad there aint anyone to talk to me. SAD RIGHT. oh anyway. internet connection for me and SCV is only available at my original house. and hence. there was totally no way for my to check my email, chat on msn or to blog. so pardon my long windedness. there were just sooo much things i had thought and experienced and i really want to note it down. but i didnt felt like writing. and so now it's just plain memory for me. *sighs.
at first i thought it was just my nose with ever flowing fluids again and the weather was plain warm.. until i saw my sis watching tv in 3 layers of t-shirt. -_-" besides skipping at least 30 heartbeats and using up half the newly-opened tissue box from monday night till before i slept, i kept waking up in the middle of the night because of the discomfort from my nose. YES. IM DOWN WITH INFLUENZA VIRUS AGAIN. HOW NICE. i wondered why my immune system is so bad that i fell ill every now and then. this is bad. could it be that i get too stressed easily? or just plain bad luck? thus i ate a couple of pills for blocked nose at 3am in the morning before returning to sleep. wait. 3am. AGAIN. there seems affinity between my sleep and 3am. hah. read some magazine at 4.30 when i woke up again before officially getting out of bed at 6am to get some shots of the morning at the new house. i really wanted to post them up here... BUT I LEFT THE CABLE AT THE NEW HOUSE. RAWR. i guess i'll just have to edit this blog with more photos the next time i log in. yepps. [2 days later.. and here's the photo]
i remember learning from social studies and singapore history textbooks about how HDB attempted to make a residential area distal away from town and yet still self-sufficient. i never knew how it was like. maybe like those shophouses before the japanese occupations where there were many yakun-alike coffeeshops and mamashops and tailorshops all just to cater to that area of the people.. but i never knew exactly how a HDB life really was having been raised up in a private housing where getting our wants and needs means taking a bus ONLY since there's no MRT station. then i pondered why the government didnt build one here. a LRT will also bring us much convenience. a soft voice within reminded me. you are living in the central water catchment area. you've got the nature and the bukit timah view. so just be more environmentally friendly and dont expect too much. oh yes. *nods head. i was so surprised how that small little town centre could hold at least 4 coffeeshops and a huge ntuc---with cheers just right opposite it. doesn't make sense right. DOES IT? there wasnt an area for a concentrated wet market to exist. just little shops that were shared between different vendors. selling from vegetables to fish to meat to flowers to bread. whatever you want. they have it. im absolutely amazed. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? IT'S AT MOST 7AM IN THE MORNING. they even provide services like hairdressing, atms, manicures and even lessons. with a community centre at a corner and the MRT station at the other, it's no wonder people are so ever keen to stay on and some friends like baby will miss that life.
bought home breakfast for sister at 8.30am while mama continued her shopping in preparation for my brother's wedding the very next day. she tried to take the bus from just downstairs thinking it would just take at most 15minutes which i agreed. but apparently the bus was circled around the estate and industrial areas such that it took mama 30 minutes to reach her destination. HOW NICE. desperate and seriously unwilling to take the trip back, sister and me picked her up from their when she finished her shopping.. by then.. she bought beehoon, fish, chicken, pork, vegetables, flowers.. and err. what else... hmm. anyway.. she bought sooo much to the extent that her groceries were able to fill ALL our hands up with red and white heavy and bulky plastic bags. i wondered why she has to buy so much. it's not like the market is a mile or two away from our house like it used to be.. and didnt she just bought some already before at our new house? i'll just put my brother's wedding responsible for this massive marketing. *sighs. TOTALLY MANN.
we quickly rushed out of the new house again after putting the groceries down to bro's house where mom decided to place a huge fish into their exceptional empty refrigerator so that it'll look nicer and it's supposedly more auspicious. -_-" sister and me were sort of commanded by mama to clean the floor since guests will be entering the house the next day and it wouldnt be very nice to have them help us to clean it for us as they walk around the apartment. all the way from morning to dusk, the whole day was about travelling back and forth and mazing around these 3 houses. WHICH WAS INDEED BORING AND BOTH MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY DRAINING.
while i thought it was finally time to rest my feet at the new house.. mama decided to bring me to northpoint by taking the bus from the stop downstairs. ALRIGHT. it only took approximately 15minutes which was of satisfactory level to me. *nods head. the shopping list was short. but the things bought comprised of more. MAMMAMAMA. perhaps that is how mom differentiates herself from the working class women out there. while the latter are strict, tidy, straight to the point, efficient and extremely disciplined, my mama is very much more flexible, messier, beats around the bush---includes suaning, 60% less efficient and doesnt hesitate to restict herself. so anyway, we were supposed to buy just ONE pack of glutinuous rice balls(15) and some flowers, both for the wedding. however, the moment she stepped into the supermarket, she headed for the grapes which were obviously overpriced---she said that herself by the way. ironically, she still picked TWO packs of it, explaining that those are for the bride's sisters. IM SURE FOUR PERSON CAN EAT SO MUCH GRAPES. she found me very much a nag. YEPPS. she still chose one pack of grapes as she shifted her attention onto the strawberries next to it. RAWR. i forgot how many packs she bought but i vividly remembered i was still nagging. and then sulking. FINALLY she headed for the flowers and bought i-have-no-idea-how-much-but-it-is-considerably-a-lot. SHE FRAMED ME BY SAYING I DON'T ALLOW HER TO BUY FLOWERS WTHWTHWTHWTH. IT WAS THE FRUITS NOT FLOWERS.
after much. no. is a WHOLESOME LOT of persuasion.."OKOK. we go buy tangyuan now." the next thing, she turned another round and asked.."this ham looks nice.. you want?" IM SURE TANGYUAN=HAM. the worst has yet to come...
mama confidently told me to head to the usual bus stop where we would take to return to our original house. i raised BOTH eyebrows. "yar yar. just go!" OK FINE. so we headed there only to realise our bus doesnt stop there. I SERIOUSLY REGRET NOT INSISTING TO CHECK THE BUS STOP DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF NORTHPOINT--i'll tell you why. SOON. we had to walk back all the way into the bus interchange with frozen food and sibei obstucting flowers. RAWR.
GOD KNOWS that ride would take triple the time we took to reach the shopping mall. apparently the bus circled back and forth in the figure of eight around the bus interchange.. passing by that area 3 times(or more? i don't know. i was to pissed to think by then) before we reached home. TOTALLY IRRITATING. well. actually, if we did board the bus from the bus stop in front of northpoint, it would take just 15minutes also to reach home. THAT'S WHY I REGRETTED.--does that word exist? oh wells.
the day didnt just bland off like that. after packing dinner home and continuing to settle wedding stuff at the new house, we travelled back to our original house AGAIN. i was EXTREMELY tempted to switch on the bloody computer but it would take 10 BLARDY minutes to load properly if it doesnt hang that is. ok. then it gets boring. back to other house to tidy my room and clean the house before fainting at 1.30am in my sister's room because the groom has to sleep in mine. as in. he has no room in the new house. SAD RIGHT. like a family being separated after a wedding. it's so ironic! aint a wedding supposed to EXPAND a family size instead of reducing it? but then again. considering the SMALL LAND SIZE of the island of singapore. you can't possibly squeeze people into a mini HDB flat so easily like what our grandpa and grandma used to do back in their kampongs where they owned acres of land.
5th december 2007, wednesday:
THE BIG DAY COMES. as in. more of it for my brother la.
was supposed to arise at 4.30am but with the combination of monday's soccer PT, lack of beauty sleep from the day before and the very influenzing influenza virus.. i somehow still managed to reach for the alarm clock that was ringing from the top of the 1.9m tall shelf[where i purposely placed to stretch for it], switch it off, crawl bed into bed and hide it under my back.. HMMM. SMART. woke up at 5am anyway.
the first groom's brother arrived at about 6.30am when i was manufacturing the plain glutinuous rice balls. oh they were PINK by the way. OH. the colour of the new lion head -_-". that guy came in pink stripped shirt with a hairstyle waxed and gel-ed to the extent that it looks like it had been blown up by a huge storm outside. seriously. he looked rather gay and gay. one of the gay meaning happy. *smirks.
just 5 minutes in the bathroom, FIVE MINUTES. already 3 of my aunties arrived and 2 were helping my mom to prepare breakfast. the last one was adjusting her shirt in front of the mirror. i walked past that area 3 times and she was still there. LOL. aiya. hard to blame her. haha. she's the middlewoman.. or mei po for this occasion. have to look nice what. WAHAHHAHA.
due to poor time management. wait. NO ONE TOLD ME THE TIMETABLE. i had to rush to change and didnt get to eat the breakfast prepared. BOO. there was definitely mixed emotions within me to join in the trial of wedding cars behind the mercede's sports car my brother or the groom was driving. how many people actually get to experience this. for the guys.. it's only when you get married or when you're invited to be a brother. for the girls, not a bride because you'll probably spend most of your time indoors with the huge glamour gown you would be wearing, but when you're a sister or that you have a brother--MAKE HIM MARRY IF YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW I FELT. something like that. i took some photos along the way BUT I DIDNT BRING THE CAMERA CABLE!!!!! RAWR. *smacks head. [now that i brought during editing...]
as usual, how could the brother's escape unpranked? the groom is lucky. being the male lead of the day, he was ordered exempted from the food punishment by his mother-in-law. MUAHAHHA. unfortunately to my other brothers and erm my 2nd brother who was one of them... WAHAHAHAHHA. they were made to eat each time the groom answered a question wrongly. and the groom kind of answered ALL the seven questions wrongly. so all the brothers and the groom had to wear this kiddy bling bling sunglasses and wear over a decorated disposable underwear plus another bling bling sequin-ed scarf haha. I TOOK SOME PHOTOS TOO.
PREEETTTTTTTTYYY bride. WOOTS. MEI NV. her grandparents were absent so the tea ceremony was postponed to the hotel at night. only her parents were bowed at. clearly the bride was ultra-emotional as she hugged her parents goodbye. like obviously, it symbolizes that she is now officially no longer their daughter in name i mean but my brother's wife. her dad was abit affected too and her mom was holding it up quite well. i must admit that i almost teared because of them. and i was like WTH. CRY WHAT. HELLO. IM NOT THE FIRST PARTY. *bangs head on the wall.
there are quite a number of taboos i never knew existed. but it still kinda made that tinie winie bit of sense la. for example, when the bride is in the car or when the groom is driving the bride's car, it must NEVER EVER reverse. another tradition is that each time the bride gets of the wedding car, a young boy--unmarried duh. must help her open, with 2 oranges in a red tray. HMMM.
took our time and left for the newly weds' house. it wasnt supposed to happened but it still did. my sister was supposed to stay in one of the rooms in their houses until the newly wed steps in. HOWEVER. she was late along with our 3rd aunt who was supposed to help to open the door for us. haha. LATE PEOPLE. it ends up that the bride started taking photos from the lift lobby to the corridor to outside their house. WAHAHAH. it was really amusing. then the groom was made to CARRY the bride in...which leads us into a conversation in the car i was in when we left the place which was kind of disturbing. the content was roughly about that i should find a HUGE STRONG husband so that he could carry me in. I WAS THINKING if i could find a SMALL husband instead and CARRY HIM IN. another thing i worry was the small HDB door. I MUST GET AN APARTMENT WITH A HUGE DOOR so i[if im carried] or my husband won't get injured in the process *nods head.
my last destination.. as in MY last stop was our new house... the groom and the bride still has to head back to the bride's house for further eating? i have no idea actually. they'll have to head straight for the hotel after that anyway. AWWW. so tiring right. YES. MARRIAGE IS A VERY TIRING EVENT. DON'T PLAY PLAY. the bride got changed into a dark red knee length glam glam dress with the help of her bridemaid[yes! i finally got a substitute for the word "sisters" so confusing right? err. "brothers"?] they took a SMALL bite while our guest/relatives helped themselves out with the buffet set up. SEE. THEY ATE SO LITTLE. THAT'S WHY I TOLD MY MOM TO BUY LESSER!
while our relatives ate the proper buffet and food provided, and tried to help us reduce food wastage by packing some food home.. our little cousins aka BRATS were massive clearing the chips and ferrero roches RAWR. not just that. they dropped crumbs EVERYWHERE they went. jumped on our NEW beds. SLAMMED our wardrobes when they couldn't find a place to play hide-and-seek. broke a fan plug. and they even cursed. WTH. ok. i admit im cursing now. but i do NOT curse in front of young kids. seriously. PLUS. given their education level of an average of primary 4.. HOW CAN THEY BE SO RUDE?!
all our relatives left by 12pm. which was VERY early considering it's buffet LUNCH. while my 2nd brother's girlfriend arrived at 12.30 or so i forgot. from then onwards.. it was more eating and clearance of food and mini SPRINGCLEANING again. *sighs. ALL THANKS TO THOSE BRATS.
changed my danglings for the night as my brother's girlfriend asked "HUAH!!! HOW MANY DANGLINGS DO YOU HAVE?" MUAHAHHA. all thanks to my darling swan. *smirks. wore that low cutting[AT LEAST TO ME] for the night.. my mom suddenly popped into my room and told me to wear a gold ring.. which was err. weird to wear it with silver. yea? surprisingly.. the ring couldnt fit any of my fingers but the forth which means im supposed to get married? WAHAHHA. i decided to put it through the necklace i was wearing. i thought i looked okay. HMMM. left house by 4pm.. WHICH WAS RATHER LATE like one hour. OOPS. because we were supposed to be there by 4 for a makeover -_-" 4pm...4pm... soccer training!!! aiyo. but i was too busy that day to remember such a thing. i still had sores from monday's PT. RAWR.
we were responsible for bringing the gown the bride had changed out off to the hotel along with the can-can dress... which was EXTREMELY bulky. because it was RAINing cats and dogs, sister had to reverse her car up the slope next to the HDB block so that when the car door opened.. i can get the gown into the car safely without getting it wet. to put it more precisely.. i ran and jumped into the back of the car[yes.. in that dress] holding the gown while mama and sister tried to shelter that distance of 3 feet.
i was the first to put on makeup and have my hair done.. err. apparently no one recognises me after i put it on.. HMMM. for example, my close cousin didn't know she was speaking to me until before the entire wedding dinner ended. -_-" my aunt said i looked like a SUPERSTAR!! MUAHHAHA. aiyoo... people already mrs RAIN. muahahhaha. ok. anyway.. i admit... i started camwhoring for more than 50 shots.. but i deleted alot. i realised the camera couldnt catch the effect and the makeup what i really saw. but here's a sample photo
apparently.. according to ALL or not most. *sighs. sister and i appeared to be wearing sister-attire the entire day. including the hairstyle for the night. ARGGGH. RAWR. SHE COPY ME CAN. AND ARE YOU COLOUR BLIND NOT TO NOTICE THE DIFFERENCE?! RAWR. oh by the way, i realised i was like purple the whole day WAHHAHA. how nice.
please pardon 1] my sister's HARD-felt smile 2] my 2nd brother's invisible tie YEPPS. ok fine. my weird position too. EVERYTHING WASNT RIGHT FOR ME.. IM NOT PHOTOGENIC OKAY. AND ACTING DEMURE ISNT MY CUP OF TEA. imagine.. the first thing i did after i did my makeover was to hold my camera and tap left toes.. -_-"
my mama's COOLIOS 1960s-1980s blown-up hairdo.. WALALALALA. along with my dad during solemnisation at 6.45pm when the marriage certificate was signed.. dont you find this quite amusing. it's kinda mean to like say this about my OWN parents but.. er yea.and here's the beautiful bride with her beautiful gown with erm. my brother. lalalala.
WOAH. AINT THAT SEXAY? those BEAUTIFULLY HAIRIFIED LEGS. so many poses some more!!! TIAN!! AINT U EXCITED? woots. hahaha. there are also many quotes to come along with it. but i'll leave that to yingq to blog on the LD blog yea?
ate at plaza singapura which im damn damn sibei sick of now.. then headed off to help xiao yan~ find green hairband in replacement for the one he broke -__-" RAWR. we couldn't find any though it was such a common minitoons kind. quotes xiao yan~"I WANT TO SUE PS" haha. i agree. i wanted to do that back some years ago because of some unhappy incident... it is NOT called pang saye because it was siimiin yingq and muffin who decided not to come along. so yea..
SACRIFICED my 45cents to travel one mrt stop to somerset for heeren just for xiao yan~. haha xiao yan~ doesnt know where heeren is.. wait. he doesnt even KNOW what it is. WAHAHAHHAHA. can't blame him. AH-BEI DON'T SHOP ORCHARD. THEY HANG OUT AT KOPITIAM AND FOODCOURTS ONLY. WAHAHAHHA. sorry. i just can't help suan-ing xiao yan~. WAHAHAHAH. ok. im mean. aiya. but it's still better to speak what comes to your mind than to SHOOT people from behind. SO JIAN! oh! also, he was REALLY YOUNG AT HEART as he mumbled "hairband.. hairband..hairband...hairband.." ALL THE WAY FROM PLAZA SINGAPURA TO DHOBY GHAUT EXHANGE TO HEEREN. oh my tian.
gosh. i really need to complain!!
NUMBER ONE: i shall never call liondancers, especially the girls for recommendations of OTHER places to get stuff. only this situation happens and it really made my face camouflage with my RED shirt as xiao yan~ tried to fan me with his palms...
"hello muffin.. can you tell me of another place to get that green hairband?"
"huh? what?".. then i REPEATED myself TWO MORE TIMES as i jumped on the same spot at least one feet high.
"err.. plaza sing don't have meh?" "no."
"really don't have?" "no."
"really?" "No."
"then basement also don't have?"
"oh.. how i know?.. i don't.. wait arh.. i asked cy to speak to you.."
"hello ys~~.. so, plaza sing don't have arh?"
*WTH look "DON'T HAVE. so tell me another place nearby got sell one.."
"HUH? i thought those shops in plaza sing got sell? don't have arh?"
"ah.. wait.. plaza sing.."
at the end of this LOOONG phone call which could have ended swiftly... i still made the final decision myself. in fact. NO RECOMMENDATIONS WERE PROVIDED. do u realise that? *sighs DEEPLY and shakes head. RRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWRRRRRRRR.
NUMBER TWO: the MRT was so squashed!! like obviously no one was moving into the cabin any further... so people behind me just PUSHED their way in so the door can close right in front of their chesthair. AND I ALMOST FELL ON TO THREE PEOPLE. oops. even xiao yan~ was complaining. OH MY TIAN. he lives at khatib too. RAWRRR.
OKAY. at least we found the hairband at heeren and it was a HUGE sigh of relief for xiao yan~ who was REALLY late for his class outing some ten over miles of travelling from town.
I SAW JEANNIE AGAIN. this time with alina. CAMWHORING at heeren. LOL. then went to meet mama and sis at paragon to shop for mama's ELEGANT and TAI TAI-ish clothings so as to glamourise her as the mother-in-law that day. gosh. her decisions are like how quick can. i'll probably take at least 3 days to decide. then had the SAME FISHBALL NOODLES SOUP at TAKA FOODCOURT AGAIN. as in. same as thursday.. hahah. oh wells. but still YUMMY. yea.. shopped around a little more as my mama shifted her focus of buying clothes for HERSELF to my BROTHER. like.. orange coloured polo tee.. and err. haha. oh wells. nevermind. we have DIFFERENT TASTES. mama later remembered that we havent prepared snacks for the JIEMEI[the "sisters" of the bride] when they come to our house. I SAY i'll HOLD THEM OUT OF THE HOUSE UNTIL THEY GIVE ME ANGPOW MONEY just like what they'll do to my bro at the bride's house. MUAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAHA. be smart. i don't even need to work and i still earn EXTRA cash during the holidays. MUAHAHHA. but that is IF i am liciensed to do it that day lah...
yepps.out of the house for a total of 14 hours today. how nice. and my head is starting to ache again. RAWR. oh yes!! PEOPLE!! ANY QUICK REMEDY for a GROOM-TO-BE and MOTHER-IN-LAW-TO-BE who are falling into the devilish arms of the influenza virus? *faints back.