ain as superficial as it seems.
Monday, October 22, 2007
firstly. thank u ALL for makin an effort to pamper me--whether it's a failed attempt a not. but most did. esp my besties. THANK U SO MUCH SO MUCH. OOOH. how am i supposed to sleep tonite with all the RAIN stuff...
went to swensens last nite to sorta celebrate my birthday cause no one was exactly free or in the mood to do it the next day,i.e. monday.. this is so pathetic. prob the most cold and lonely and disappointing birthday i've had so far. the to-us-considered-very-porsh-already restaurant at TYP wasnt exactly wat i wanted.. havin so much pizza and fatty food. OOH. so sinful. met huiyi-ng there btw. oh yes. THAT ICE-CREAM IS MY CAKE. sad. i just heard that i wont have any cake tonite when it is the actual day of my bday. *cries.

oh. tt wasnt my point actually. my point is.. im just equally fine to have a dinner at home and perhaps a lil nite walk at the park/sea. really. ok. maybe cause im just too silent. maybe im just too stubborn to speak up for myself... after the choosin of wardrobe--which my dad claimed tt THAT WAS MY BDAY PRESENT..oh HOW NICE.-- which actually i didnt have much of a choice. and the conversation that i overheard that discussed about the fate of our cats after movin hse... and the memories that soared were just too overwhelmin that my birthday didnt exactly matter. in fact to the extent that.. if i could exchange my birthday for my current hse and my current comfy lifestyle. im ever willin to do that. let me just repeat myself. I HATE CHANGES.
maybe u'll say.. "wat's so big about moving hse.. i've moved before.. and i dun feel as bad as u. dun be stupid and pls get over it..." and so on. but it's not just the hse im leaving. im leavin those souls and cherished memories behind. and after i move, i'll never get to see them. i have no idea why but my family seems to be treatin our cats like OBJECTS shelving them as they like. yes. i admit it is VERY EXTREMELY irritatin to have cat peeing on ur bags and stuff. but doesnt that give u a reason to tidy up ur stuff more often? no. i refuse to give any of them for adoption. the thought of them being locked in metal cages and awaitin death when no one will adopt them is just too unbearable. way too much. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. if u dun like cats, im fine. but it u mistreat them and treat them as 2nd-class living things. GO TO HELL.
ok. off with my complain now.
the day started RAINin really heavily in the wee hours. and i was awoken by my dad's usual trotterin steps who was frantically tryin to shut all the windows. me? sleepin. i couldnt be bothered. i just refuse to wake up until i feel the rain on me. then a tot came to me. "hey. happy birthday mrs RAIN. here's ur hubby visitin u!" ok.. that really made up for the rounds that i didnt get to run in the morning. happy(: ok.. sally was supposed to run too. but in e end only caramel appeared. and she was the first to gimme my presents!! RAIN POSTER PLUS RAIN STICKER. okayyys. i couldnt be happier (:
oh. come to think of it.. cupcake was the first to sms me today.. and the msg content was " hey everyone.. i changed my hp number..." -_-"' like wth is going on!! and congrats to baobei-er.. she was the officially first to sms mee happy birthday. oh wells. then cupcake again then muffin then jane.. awww. and sweet smsed me askin YS ARE U RUNNIN TODAY. -_-" im sure i run under the rain. thanks sally and caiyun and someone who asked my to guess who he/she is again...... ok. i just received my secondary sch friend's sms. and it's only one. *sobbers.
oh my tian. the next paragraph is also a thank u speech.. lol.
thank u:
sweet for ur envelope of letter,poems,songs,err..magnets. LOL. swan for ur hardwork and i can seriously SEE HARDWORK in ur artwork. like HOMTIAN. it's really AWESOME. baobei-er.. for gettin rainer's signature. MUAHAHAHAHAH. and her handmade bday card. SO SWEEEEETENIN.

let just hope that rainer wont freak out IF he sees this. LOL.
and baby's BIG HEAVY book of RAIN's pics. WOOTS. haha. no baby. i wont tear them away. (: honey for ur paragraphs of heartfelt words. hotlips, glucose, swan, sweet for the PURRRRfect white cap. LOL. "why velco de?! LOL." and the err. ahlian ear studs. and sweet for designin on behalf of the class & 3I for the GORGEOUS pillow. NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO TOUCH IT WITHOUT MY PERMISSION.

sadly,it's also today.. that the pian-xin-ness of pple became VERY prominent. so sad. ):
promo results was.. so-so. shall not mention it cause it hasnt affect me much. only suszie.. sorry suzie.. i really cannot help it but to say SHUTUP when u blabbered sayin U HAD A NIGHTMARE GETTIN B FOR CHEM. yea. try a D. but anyway. u'r still a nice person to study with. ur constant muggin and whining keeps me reminded that exams ARE NOT OVER.
yepps. that's all for my birthday. so weird. no outing. NO ONE DATED ME. haha. it's ok. that's why i stayed back in sch till about 4pm just so i wont reach home so early and/or that i can think of where to head to shop with only 5 dollars in my wallet. hmm. how nice. no plans. no money. wat a HAPPY birthday.
ohhhh. dun get me misunderstood. i just hate the feelin of being alone at the moment. i cant help but emo and tear. please dun leave me alone durin this fragile period. please.
happy birthday CUPCAKE. and i hope u'r havin a great time yingshi. *ponders.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 7:13 PM
selemat hari raya. ok. POST.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
WAHAHHAHA. pls. let me finish laughing first. cause im currently in the midst of talkin to jane over msn. AND IM LMAO. WAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAH. here's part of the convo..
me says:
do u understand
me says:
jane says:
yeah i do
jane says:
me says:
me says:
jane says:
hi appearing offline
me says:
me says:
oh ok.
me says:
jane says:
jane says:
jane says:
we shld stop this over
jane says:
me says:
me says:
me says:
haha. jkjk.
me says:
jane says:
i knew this was coming
ok. i realised this SMALL portion has taken up a HUGE PROPORTION of space. oh manns. oh wells. hahahhahahah. damn hilarious. and at this point of time.. baby told me sth damn farnie.
baby says:
u noe. when i read ur msn nick to myself
it soudns like u'r koping my chi name?
im [baby chi name]. im waiting. xD
last time i used to get teased bout it xD
ok. it may not exactly sound farnie here. but if u noe who the person is. go ahead. LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF. sheesh. i sound sibei vulgar here. must b coz of weeeenie and sally. idiot. IM NOT AT ALL BLOODY HELL INTERESTED IN JANE'S BOD LA. im just statin a fact that karen has nice bod. just like WHY i mentioned jane has a nice _____---shan mention it this time *emo pose. AND SALLY'S DAOING ME ON MSN NOWWWWW!!!!!!!!. sheesh. i think baby's slogon in her blog suits me very well. "musings of a teenage girl" LOL. aye. im still YOUNG ok. im younger than most of my readers. LOL.
ok. let me complain first. mel sent me this bloody shit sms which i wished had been sent to my junk sms-es---if it ever exist. in fact i strongly reccomend nokia to create one.... like.. wth.
" blah blah and [who else but me] have been selected to attend an oral comm wkshp to help them with their OP tues 9am-4.30pm at blah. COMPULSORY.... blahs on" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. *screams. THAT MEANS I WONT GET TO SEE RAINER. OH SHIT. ok... wait. i should rank this as a second reason since rainer is NOT my eyecandy and im just an aspiring-fan-to-be of him. shhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssh. and i will also not get to see my class for the entire day except PE... and and. OH MY TIAN. i'll miss soooooooo much bloody lectures. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. and that also means i did really bad for op dry run. darn. i wish it there ever were to b another OP.. MAY IT BE IN CHINESE. i assure u i'll fair--which fare/fair issit?!--- better. seriously.
went to east coast ytd and today coz my sis went to the chalet there... WITHOUT US. *sobbers. AND SHE BLOODY HELL WENT WEIGHTBOARDIN W/O MEEEEEEE! she went w/o me leh!! oh my tian. she went w/o me!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH. ok. relax. chill chill mrs rain. ur bro n sis said today they'll bring u there next week.. i.e. 21st oct WHICH IS ONE DAY BEFORE UR BIRTHDAY. yes. tt means u'r either gonna get chao dao on ur bday.. or that u'll come to sch in blue n black----i can predict these by examinin my sister... yea. but. for fun. WHY NOT.
went islandwide of singapore today... haha. first to amk for breakfast then to sembawang where my dad's office is... then to bukit panjang where my ahmah lives.. found so antique there which my dad tot he could pass to the musuem... because the antique was REALLY an OBSTRUCTION and bulky... my dad drove all the way back to sembawang before going to east coast park to get my sis. HAHA. SEE HOW FAR IS THAT. the journey hasnt ended. then we went to bedok for lunch and to bishan for my aunt and back to bukit panjang AGAIN.then finally home. not long later.. yishun for dinner. *phews. i rather burn at ECP actually. HAHA. oh. come to think of ECP. it was darn irritatin.. i had to hold on to the call of nature and walked at least 300metres before i found the bloody toilet. OH MANS. *complains complains complains....... OH. in the meantime.. i mean from morning to late noon... sweet sms-es were damn responsive.. like she replies 3hrs after my first sms.. then wait. i dun think she replied the second one until i CALLED HER LIKE 5 HOURS LATER. -_-"""""""
bored in e car.. i came up with this bday wishlist. ok. make it WANT. i shall exclude those intimate ones. LOL. sportshoes swimsuit retroshades cap ahlianearstuds getbraces blingblingdogtagwithimprintofthewordRAIN--i've been wantin that since sec3..LOL but it's seriously just a want.. turnintoanotherperson--as in.. a change of outfit n look.. oh great. nth else. i wanna go kbox rollerbladin cyclin weightboardin stayoveratfriend'shse korea clubbingi.e.goinghomeinthemorning rain'snextkoreaconcert dateagirl---OK. JUST JOKIN. a guy then. but i rather a gal sounds more interestin. WAHAHHAHA. but wait. is a date even necessary? for a bdaywish? CANCEL THAT.
and oh my tian. GOH. how am i supposed to yay when u tell me there's ld trg on thurs... i was supposed to tutor someone. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. AND U EAT MORE. MUFFIN TOO. SWAN!!! U ALSO. GLUCOSE U ALSO!!!!!!!! and erm. the guys too. -_-" my bro looked at my class photo and said. wat have got into the guys that they turned into scrawny...---he couldnt find a word. yepps. and im exciting for sentosa outing tmr!!!!!!! YEAH. but like.. there's still at 7.40am the followin day.. and we'r like runnnin in the mornin somemore. OH MY GOD. ok. sleeeep now. dream of rain~~. oh yes. er herm. honey's bday's comin. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANDAN.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 11:50 PM
Sunday, October 7, 2007
she tries to comfort herself. she tries to cheat her own feelings.
no. it all aint helping.
no. not at all.
like roots that had longed tapped itself into the ground,
she is reluctant to move
as numerous affections and memories stays.
like repetitive radio advertisements,
her parents seem so ever willing to leave
this shabby place bitten with rust and leaking pipes.
her self-acclaimed thrify pap wishes to bring along as lil there
and yet. if possible. he'd like to spend as lil as possible on new beds and dryers.
it seems to be plan. to spend and yet not being the one who pays.
ahhhh. yes. his wife. his sons. his daughters.
and so there goes part of the girl's savings that took her pains to store up
when she approaches her pap, he turns a black face
and turns to mom for the money back
she guessed he never knew and even if he did he would pretend
mom is NOT a money tree. she is just like any other ordinary housewife.
this is a story she told
and i. i publicise.
dun ask why
i just didnt. didnt want to lie.
maybe she'll regret one day after tellin this
but for now.
she really doesnt give a damn.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 9:06 PM