Monday, November 27, 2006
yeah. FINALY. i went to e SINGAPORE ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS with my mum n sis today.. supposed to leave hse at 8.30am but my mom somehow hopped outta hse at 7++am.. delaying e trip,making me feel REALLY BAD.. as in WHY MUST U DO THIS TO ME?! yeah. tt kinda feeling. so. we left hse at like 10.30am.. erm. abit NOT hot n SUNNY lor.--prom nite how?! ok.
could have saved on petrol oil but my 2 bro at hm said we could use one of their car--thus saving on $$..like real.. petrol oil NO NEED MONEY ARH? e ride was indeed long n almost amazing.. we were like idiots. not tt we lost our way.. but we were like woah-ing at almost every turn on e way there. things either did changed.. or.. WE REALLY DID NOT GO TO E ZOO FOR A VERY VERY LONG TIME. i think it's e latter.
got a card which enabled free admission for e 3 of us into e zoo. gd eh? go n work at e singapore pools lor. (: damn. it was so hot can. i almost thought im doomed to be burnt. oh. i also almost freaked out when i saw huge aligators under e bridge can. but errr.. it was FAKE. felt so cheated can.
soon after brisking ard e place, we headed str8 for our--me&sis fav hangout..heheh. the CHILDREN'S animal FARM. *blinks blinks. but it was kinda a let down for us.. e last time we were here... children were crazy in e pool but now, children r NOT in e pool.. they r like banging on e glass of e poor chicks n hamster n small black mice.. they even disturbed poor rabbits n hamster n geinea pigs with their empty plastic bottles... if e ones who came with me aint my family but my friends.. i'll make sure they really LEARN A LESSON AT E ZOO. ok.. back to REALITY. e playgrd n nets which used to exist were so devastated..it was not a children playgrd can. it was like a playgrd more e purpose of lion dancing--SERIOUS! e pooor donkeys too.. children used to give them lotsa attention n food.. but now? they seem to b rottin in their compound.. idiot lar. wth r e authorities doin? protect animal? shit u lar. u can't even take care of healthy donkeys. hmph! later went to watch a animal friend show--aiya it's just a dog cat mice show,b4 enterin e bird "cage" u noe.. bird flu. i can c e birds there r okay with where they'r situated except for a poor rooster. it so stuck in a small cage can!

escaped e poor animal farm into a butterfly garden... which also included erm.. limas--is tt wat it's called?! wateva. spiders millipedes blah. then rushed for e zoo show which kinda suck. serious. e show used to b more exciting with elephants spraying water from their trunks.. but now not a single in sight... only monkeys---NOT orang utans mind u. just monkeys. n seals. hmmm.. wat esle? can't think. but still.. got a sweet but fishy kiss--hey.. my first stranger kiss u noe frm a seal.. awwww.... hahas. for 5 DOLLARS. yea. but since it goes to e wildlife fund.. hell with it. just give n take a nice pic. oh.. we paid 10.. me n sis. haha.
cause it was startin to drizzle n sis has to go off soon, we virtually rushed to e polar bear compound to see our friend one last time.. i mean. u didnt see e news? their sending e small one away after e mother u noe... bye bye. snapped a few photos and bye zoo.
actually not yet. we went to kfc to have our "lunch" at 2 ++pm. nice rite. yarrr.. but i think i will really miss tt seal n all.---if only i were to be a zookeeper.. i'll make tt seal my bf.. just like my sis will make e rooster hers. (:
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 7:55 PM
Friday, November 24, 2006
YESTERDAY went to vivo with fion n jiawei after meetin up at little india--which was pretty redundant lar. took e train down st8 to habour frnt as fion did my hair sayin tt i looked like 'AUNTIE' --erm, like with my green hairband?! wateva. ok, so she clipped my fringe up with 7 croc-clips and tied e back up, but pls.. it does NOT match wat im wearing.. tt hairdo was kinda gal gal for me.
then looked up for for-zhe[i insist tt's e way to call her] at marks n spencer--SHE LOOKED WEIRD. yar.. imagine a bunk with e spiked hair, wearin tt kind of erm, ladies workin outfit plus courtshoes.. tryin to b mischevious, me n jw ran to hide while tt 2 well.. erm. yar. apparently, for-zhe's eyes r damn sharp can... she found us like immediately.. *sighs.
went to food republic to eat after tt--and somehow, for-zhe was either fearful of me or being REALLY naughty. i dunno. she kept turning away frm me whenever i try to look directly at her face... oh, sry. it doesnt exactly matter if i look at her directly/indirectly... as long as my face is in e direction of her, she WILL TURN. yea.. oh. fion is really.. arrgghh.. she doesnt even noe how to squeeze lime--INCLUDING FOR-ZHE. wat kinda's homo sapiens r them?!
TODAY left for fion's hse to DYE my hair VIOLET BROWN today. apparently, e dye stinks.. and STILL STINKS. n i dun see any effect myself.. it still looks e same--brown. WTH. hopefully e results will come. *prays. :/
fion..it's either tt u'r gettin on ur years.. or tt ur mom hasnt grown old/is gettin younger.. yea, i noe.. she's ur "sister" haha. and u tell urself to stop f-ing so much n ur mum to stop siao-ing so much.. though it was INDEED a comedy at ur hse. thanks for ur service n ur hospitality today anw. (: flippy loves flops.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 10:25 PM
Friday, November 10, 2006
i thought e math exam was at 0800 and i left hse at 0630 today and went to audrey's hse.... to find her why she was late...... oopsy. the exam this was abit e 1430.. glad i've now got e habit to meet her b4 goin to sch.. or else.. dierrrr.... ya. dire..--- i insist on making spellin errors today. somehow. muahehahehah.
went back hm and was damn pai seh n tired lor. wanted to spend time... no.. is use e time WISELY to study physics.. it was definitely a BAD n TRAGIC choise. i can't help doozin away and kept eatin to keep my body awake.. unfortunately it wasnt my mind, or else i would haf realised tt i should STOP EATING CAUSE IM FULL. c lar.. now my tee feels so tight.. arrghh. i wan to tear it!!!^%$(*%%.
went to sch first w/o audrey--left hse at 1300.. i was HOPIN N WAITIN for shing's wife to call me or sth.. but she didnt. eeeks. idiot one lor. anw.. i reached sch w/o her and met althea at lao di fang--- she looked like e "toad" in e KUNGFU HUSTLE. haha. sory. ok. then e paper was quite a breeze... n i realised tt i was really gd at making careless mistakes.. everywhere! heha.
went back with audrey after tt... yea.. the stairs finally reopened at e TE!!!
but tt means fond memories are gone... must we change as well? can i just ask to change my brain first? e pain still aches. a lot. on e way.. after bidding goodbye to shing's wife.. i saw a figure similar to her.. it was just some guard dog of one of e resident.. maNNNN. I MISS U SO MUCH AND AM STILL MISSING.reached home n started to slack agn... yea. no tuition tmr or on sunday.. can really rest.. but somehow my body doesnt want to... moreoever with e stupid tight tee on me--it's really uncomfy u noe.
if only man can take over e control of time... like wat man can do over e rest. except for emotions.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 9:34 PM