i didn noe e worst has yet to come.
Monday, July 31, 2006
i cried. i screamed. i called my friends for some consolation. but it healed nth. she still passed away today. yes today 31/7/2006 at 4.30pm. i was on my way there! alrdy on e stupid idiot express way.. less than 5 mins there! but she couldnt wait any longer.
i entered e room. armchair n sofas for e concerned pple to sit n sobber over e death of their pet. there lay my beloved dachi. motionless on e table,covered with a white towel. tongue sticking out though still pink but obviously turning into shades of yellow pigmentations. the bloody tube tt was inserted into her vein/artery still left on her right forelimb. she felt very warm. as though she was just sleeping. oh my gawd. i couldnt take e pressure any more. i burst out,not in laughter,but in infinite painful groans.
i pat her thigh. leaving e upper body to my mom whose eyes also swelled like a goldfish's. eeks. what's tt under e cloth, so moist n warm.. gradually, e truth surfaced, it was her blood. somehow, it surfaced up her skin. oh my. so painful. e pain sunk even deeper.
"bless u. bless u. may u find happiness in ur next life....as human hopefully." not to forget, live a life with a blessed fate. u suffered much. and u'r so young when u died! u'r only 5yr 7mths old!!!!
i left e room, bidding silent goodbye to e permanent death on e foldable table... extremely reluctantly. past memories flowed continually into my mind. i couldnt let go of her. i wished she survived. if she did.. i would give her anything. yes anything. even if it'd cost me a hole in my pocket or more household work to do when her fur falls all over e floor.
option for processing of e body? i greatly wished for a cremation whereby we could still get back her ashes. but y? y did my mom choose mass cremation where we would be unable to identiy which ashes is whose? i broke down agn,gasping for breath as my mom penned down her signature on e document. NNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
e request for only e badge to be returned as memories of dachi was definitely granted. we wanted her to carry her collar aong as she left for another world. but e assistant seemed to be deaf or sth. she brought e entire collar along n gave it to us. oh no. now she doesnt have a collar. it signifies a dog tt has no owner.. oh no. dachi. dun worry. u noe i love u. i'll burn a candle for u everyday. i promise tt i wont eat any 4-legged animal startin from now for u like wat i did for winnie.
chem test tmr. i cant be bothered it seems. im so distracted. i cried like it was going to be a end of the world. i wonder if i'll survive e rest of e week. oh pls. give me support. lots of it.
god bless. god bless. n i bless.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 9:53 PM
had a corridor blackout, lift breakdown yesterday night.. even e water supply was running low. all e residents of block 1 were praying for an enblock sale asap. i was terrified by e dark staircases... but still.. i didnt dare to take e lift this morning even though it seemed to be working in good condition agn. naah.
wanted to walk to sch this morning but mom woke bro up at like 6.30am to make him fetch me to sch cause it was raing. but i insisted to walk. in e end, i still rode bro's car. i was pissed.
not because of mom/bro.. but y my dog is so ill. i want it to come back. cried to moment i reached sch today.. in fact i started cryin away last night.. even sms-ed minghwei--who didn even reply.. and fion--who actually still joked with me regarding e issue. oh gawd. i dun think i can take e impact if she leaves me. i love her. im sure she does to me too. but y? i cannot cherish her as much as now even though i wanted to in e past or even the day b4 she really fell really ill.

i cried. i want to cry. in my heart. im still cryin.
pls. get well. i want to see u running freely at e grassy area agn, see u rubbing ur back against e grassy ground satisfactorily and raising all ur paws into e air.
i love u.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 10:43 AM
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
better known as moronic moaning partner.. me n fion exchanged pinafore today agn.. i was definitely wearing a mini-skirt. wait till u c the pics.... somewhere here or elsewhere. then fion suggested this stupid idea which i stupidly agreed to it... : walk out of e class with our exchanged pinafore in front of e whole class to amuse our maths teacher. sadly. i think she cudnt b bothered.. she looked rather pissed.. oh no!
lessons ended at 1.30pm for our prelim english oral. shitto. nailed it down-->u see.. pple always screw it up.. so i decided to nail. :)
anw,i think it kinda sux... but still glad not everything went wrong la. hahas. yeah!
tmr still got amaths n social studies tests... havent studied yet. but cant b bothered.. maybe later after dinner... well.. i sleep late. dun u noe tt? ok ok. shall take a LONG nap it i sleep REALLY late. as in like 1.30am?! im off to check on someone's profile agn!!! i think fion shud noe tt.. *whines.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 5:42 PM
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
oh no... i feel soooo lonely now... how could he... argggh...
i got nth to say.. n apparently i've been whining coz of him since like sat which is like abt 3 days ago?? y? y? y? y did u post tt pic? make me so jealous n lost now.
now i've gotta find a new target until. wells. --now i love e song
gal next door by
saving jane all coz of him... or rather.. if u happen to b here.. it's u! yesh u!
whines. all e way to sch n back agn. the cycle shall repeat until i go numb.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 5:38 PM
Monday, July 17, 2006
i think my loud ah-chooin sound is kinda known in class liao... fancy ah-chooin suddenly during tests, after e teacher finsihed speaking and so on. even fiona is afraid of me whenever i want to sneeze...
" stop! yingshi, u cannot sneeze. i DUN care. dun care dun like..." my everest dearest moronic moaning partner.. does this sound familiar? ahahaha.
supposed to meeting stupid ming hwei n yit an at macritchie reservoir at 8.30... but both of them came 10 min late when i actually came 10 min earlier?! arrgghhh. but nvm. it was definitely a very fine day. gees.
walked 5km just to get to e tree-top walk.. and yitan was alrdy half-dead at 2.6km... pls. we WERE walking. ok ok. there were steep uneven slopes la... fine watever... but it was damn fun. but sad to say.. i this kind of person.. dunno whether issit coz of e hanging bridge or issit becoz of e height... gosh. i was kinda freaked out when e metal pave under me creaked loudly... aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (p/s: i was still tryin to find a place to answer nature's call ok)
after almost gettin lost agn.. we finally made our way to e jelutong tower.. hmm. wonder if it's really made of jelutong wood or wat.. haha. can't be la.. would b dead then since jelutong is supposedly a cheap wood....
e 3 little idiots followed another 2 blur couple.. hoping to find e correct way away frm e jelutong tower.... we went e wrong way!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but nvm.. it WAS fun gettin lost. guess wat.. we saw a huge freshwater turtle and small stripped fish.. and we fed them!! muahahaha... shhhhhh. dun let e rangers know ok...
so we continue our journey along e trail back to where we were... n i was still tryin to find e stupid idiot toilet which seemed to be playing hide and seek with me.. argrgh. next time i go there... and i see it when i dun need it.. i swear i'll just burn it into ashes no matter how hard e task is.
we finally ended our "hike" beside a golf course... oh man... and e sole of my shoe is a bit e not comin out la.. yesh.. 那就是我第一双fila鞋子的生涯了。and apparently, i still cant get over with it n hence, it's rotting in my hse now. *sighs HEAVILY. oh by e way... i didnt find a toilet or managed to ans nature's call at e resevoir at all.
finally got home... and started to slack. before another nightmare begins..... my chinese tuition. *headache.
All the sleepless nights;
and the tears you cry
at 10:39 AM